Success after menopause??!?!

jsric Posts: 26
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Is it possible?? All I know is that it's gotten so hard to drop pounds now. It used to be so much easier to do this! My goal is to lose about 10-15 lbs. I've been at this for 2 weeks and just need some encouragement from anybody who has been successful out there. THANKS!!


  • laspgh
    laspgh Posts: 4 Member
    I do not know anyone who has but hopefully someone will post so we can all have success....I am just beginning today so keep me posted how you are doing!
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    I'm not done with it, but in th emiddle of it, and It is a challenge. There are plenty out there working to do what you are doing. Stick with it, follow the guidelines and be honest with what you track (not always pretty) because it keeps you in check and accountable to yourself. You'll get there, but it takes effort AND lots of patience for us with all these hormonal changes.
  • jsric
    jsric Posts: 26
    Good luck to you! I can tell you that having to log food in has been a huge motivator for me! I've been pretty close to perfect with only a few bad moments the past 2 weeks! One of my biggest problems is that I get on the scale every morning and then get frustrated with the small gains that I see in spite of my dedication to eating the right things!
  • lbewley3
    lbewley3 Posts: 96 Member
    Yes, you can succeed!! One trick is to keep your metabolism up by frequent short sessions of exercise. I do the 15-20 minute Leslie Sansone 1 mile walks available for free on Exercise TV. Space them out throughout the day. You can always find 15 minutes to squeeze one in at least twice a day and you don't get sweaty, but it keeps your metabolism up better than one longer workout once a day. This and keeping calories to 1500/day or less helped me to lose 100 lbs in 7 months (post-menopause). I started spinning classes about 4 months ago and that really kicked up the weight loss - I have lost another 55 pounds since, still keeping calories under 1500/day. Tracking the calories and exercise on myfitnesspal has been so motivating.
  • jsric
    jsric Posts: 26
    Thanks! You have great ideas! My problem is that I'm a full time teacher and if i don't exercise first thing in the a.m. I only have the energy to hit my treadmill right after school. Throughout the day I'm constantly on my feet, walking a lot through my school but there isn't much time for real exercise throughout the day. I will take your advice now and will try 15 min sessions on my treadmill both before and after school!
  • I'm 61 and finished menopause at age 50. I let go of 50 pounds over an 8 month period in 2008 (58 years old ). My motivation was our first grandchild and REALLY wanting to be having a wonderful and active Grammy life. I have slowly put back on 20 pounds and have recently decided that THAT is totally unacceptable! (We now have 2 grands and they are GRAND!!!! ) I am 3 pounds lighter in a little over a week! YIPPEEEE! When I weighed this morning I was 1 pound+ lighter! I have started walking and feel so good to be on track again! it doesn't matter to me how long it takes to get the remaining 17 pounds off....I am determined to NOT let the weight sneak up on me again! You CAN do it! This is a great way to do it....we all are cheering you and ALLof us on! WAAAAAHOOOOOO for all of us!!! The Happy 3# Lighter Grammy!!!!
  • Yes, success is possible. I am 50 and currently in menopause. The pounds are certainly coming off slower, but they are coming off. I started my weight loss program 11/1/2010 and have lost 19 pounds and 17.5 inches. I have lost apx 2 lbs per week, some wweks a little more and some weeks less. I am using herbalife products and using their 40-30-30 plan. High protien, low carb foods. Not have I only loss weight, I feel great. So much more enegery than I had before starting the plan. Dont give up, you can do it. Key point:, remember one day at a time!. The best of luck to you
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