Crystal Light.. Bad or Good?

KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
I have a hard time drinking JUST water all the time but I know my body needs it. So I have recently started drinking Crystal Light, mostly the Iced Tea but I switch it up. I dont know much about artificial sweeteners so I was wondering if anyone could give me some help. Is it bad to be drinking Crystal Light alot? I probably drink about 4 big glasses a day and my ohter 4 glasses are water. I tried to google it and I just got a bunch of nonsense and then a lot of warning about how it causes brain tumors..!~!~!

Someone help!~!


  • lammie9
    lammie9 Posts: 1 Member
    The trouble with Crystal Light is that the artificial sweetners trigger you desire for sweets.They are finding also that the chemicals are harmful to your body. The only good sweetner out here is that from the steevia plant. They are not making drinks with that in it yet. I get tired of water also but I'm finding if I drink with a straw it helps.......
  • MoonbeamMcLain
    MoonbeamMcLain Posts: 2 Member
    I went on a crystal light kick last year, I drank probably 32oz of it a day, after about 2 weeks, my eyes started to spasm and I was getting headaches. It was all common side effects from aspartame. It's POISON basically.

    I have no probably drinking my water if it's warm. I know that kind of sounds weird, but can guzzle warm water.
    You might try just squeezing a lemon in it for flavor, that helps too.
  • WHOA!! I just started Crystal Light. Really!! Oh no, I'm throwing it out. I don't need to get sick. I'm trying to get healthy. Thanks for posting this info.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    I use it when I need a flavour change but I'll be phasing it out in favour of a squeeze of lemon-juice or home-brewed ice-tea that I can sweeten with Stevia if I feel the need to sweeten which is rare, coffee and tea are all black.

    It's the corn dextrin as the main ingredient that's pushing me away from it, pick up a package of almost anything and see what all corn is in.... blah
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Not all Crystal Light uses artificial sweeteners. If you look at the packages, some of them use real sugar. It is a ton less sugar than you will find in sweet tea, soda, or anything like that. If you watch added sugars from other food items, those varieties of Crystal Light shouldn't be so bad used in moderation. I have them from time to time because I don't add sugar or artificial sweeteners to any of my foods...and I feel like if I have 9 glasses of water a day everyday, then a couple times a week Crystal Light won't hurt.
  • proudtexan71
    proudtexan71 Posts: 203 Member
    I can't only give you my experience . . .

    I hate water. But I know I have to get my water in. . . so 16oz of my intake is Crystal Light Pink Lemonade. Not everyday but probably 4-5 days a week. No funky side effects - thank goodness.

    So far, so good.
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