Help with Abs and thighs

I've just started dieting and exercising recently. I'm not as concerned about the number on the scale as I am about feeling confident in my own skin. I have a mushroom top and flabby inner thighs. If I could take care of these two areas, I would be so happy. The rest of my body doesn't bother me at all. My arms, back and and lower legs are very toned and at this point I would rather be focusing on the areas that really bother me. I thought about the Ab circle pro, but dont know anyone who has tried it. Can anyone recommend excercises/products that focus mainly on my inner thighs and my flabby stomach??


  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Bump bump bump
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    ABS: obvs you can do things such as sit ups, planks etc for your stomach BUT if you keep your core tight all thru the day, and all thru your cardio and weightraining this will help lots and lots. belly tight ALL DAY, will be one of your best things to do. i also high reccomend yoga for both of your toning desired body parts.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Hey fitbot is your stomach for sale, I'm gonna rob a bank..... Deal?
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    haha, abs are my most favourite body part to work out! :)
  • aks1985
    aks1985 Posts: 27
    ABS: obvs you can do things such as sit ups, planks etc for your stomach BUT if you keep your core tight all thru the day, and all thru your cardio and weightraining this will help lots and lots. belly tight ALL DAY, will be one of your best things to do. i also high reccomend yoga for both of your toning desired body parts.

    hey would you recommend doing bicycle crunches? i am great at crunches and it's actually a fun exercise....what if i do like 100 a day? planks are good too and they kill!! my high school used to have this ab machine that was AMAZING...i felt my ab definition within weeks...but i haven't been able to find a great ab machine (without breaking your back) since. Any recommendations since your abs are amazing?
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I do it while breathing, when you exhale consiously squeeze your abs, do this as often as you can in the run of a day it has become second nature to me now, took a few weeks to get into it, I was taught that in a martial arts class, now in the gym you can do either lateral pull downs but you hold down the weight close to your chest then squeeze your abs and roll forward using just your abs, I do these standing so that I have my body weight to counter the weight I am lifting but make sure you are just using your abs. The roman chair is also a great ab exercise I alternate to these every 2nd workout doing a min of 3 sets of 20. Pay particular attention to breathing, exhale on contraction of the muscle and inhale when you release. I will also do lumberjack pull downs with the cable pull downs using the rope where I stand stationary to the machine and pull the weight from the top of my right shoulder down to my left foot bending as I pull down using my abs on a 45 degree angle this works the core and the sides to really give you that core strength, do 2-4 sets of 20 per side with as much weight as you can handle, you should do it in 1 fluid motion do not allow yourself to rock or use your bodyweight to pull it.
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    you really do not need a machine when your body weight is so readily available to help you.
    the only piece of equipment you should invest in cuz it's fun and gets good results, is a hoola hoop. ;)