Has Your Mood Ever Effected Your Motivation

sohnshine Posts: 14
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
Hello... I am so angry at myself for not doing so well this past weekend, and I believe that it was my bad mood that caused my lack luster weekend. I was just wondering if I am the only one to sabatoge one's routine by being in a negative frame of mind? I hoping to shake it off, or SUFFER NOT LOSING WEIGHT!!!!


  • nmpresto
    nmpresto Posts: 157
    Yes! This is exactly what happened to me this weekend! I was tired, crabby, feeling bad about myself and as a result I did not exercise and I basically binge ate all weekend....
  • jlhanks
    jlhanks Posts: 33
    Most definitely it has...in fact it did this past weekend. I am determined to not let it get me again though. Today is a new day and I'm off to a fresh start. Join me!! :)
  • if i end up having a bad day..bad day (ended up someone pissing me off or making me feel like ****)...i usually dont end up do anything n get feelin like im useless...
  • Yes definately. My mood sometimes determines what I eat, how much I eat and if I workout. I have to say lately I'm turning the negative into making me want to work out MORE AND HARDER!
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    that's what i was thinking - about using your bad mood to make you WANT to exercise. there have been tons of times where i would rather pull a tooth than work out, but i force myself. and i feel so much better afterwards. hang in there - you can make this work FOR you!
  • HolsDoinIt
    HolsDoinIt Posts: 327 Member
    My mood also discourages me eating healthy..I had a rough past 4 days and my eating habits show this. THey haventt been too bad but not helpful or healthy either..Just stay motivated adn remember why you began this journey in the beginning..
  • juliectr
    juliectr Posts: 7 Member
    I can start the day so positive and think I can do anything. Then as the day goes on, I loose my motivation and feel like I can do nothing. Just when I think I have beaten it....I go back to old habits. I think my mood has EVERYTHING to do with it! I can't seem to keep the positive momentum going for more than 3 days....and I'm not a negative person.
  • It really makes me feel better that I am not the only one to feel this way. Now it feels like all the work I had done is out the window because of the almost non-work out I had this weekend. Seeing others feeling the same way as I is helping me get out of my rut.
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