Hi there!

Hi there! I joined this site a while back but am just now feeling comfortable with myself enough to introduce myself. My name is Kari! I also go by Kat. I am a mother of 5 and recently found out my husband is diabetic. I am looking to change OUR lifestyles for the betterment of my entire family. I figure that if I take the bull by the horns, perhaps everyone in the house will follow suit! Anyways, I am always looking for support in this as I do not really have any at home right now. My husband is more in the denial stage of his weight and diabetes so to show him that it CAN be done... I want to be the first to do it... I could use advice and support for this too! I hope to make some great friends on here!
Here's to all of our goals!


  • lisa_lotte
    Hello and Welcome!!!!!!

    Your at the right place because this site is sooo full of advise and support, everyone has been great!! Feel free to add me as a friend - you can never have enough :-)
