
:smile: Hi All! :smile:

I am new to this site but not to trying to loose weight.
I have tried fad diets, liquid diets and none of them stick.
So back on the band wagon of try to cut down.... let's see how long it lasts lol
My problem was going from a ice skater who trains everyday for test and competitions to nothing.
It pilled on fast and have never been able to get it off again

I am feeling like a lifestyle change is required... so here goes!

Good luck to each and everyone of you and i hope you all hit your goals as i am hoping to do also

:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:


  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member
    Hi there and welcome,

    This is a really helpful and friendly site. And it encourages excercise which is probably what you need to do.

    Have fun

  • tejjm
    tejjm Posts: 2
    Hi!! Just started myself!! This site will teach you soooooo much!! Good luck to you!!:happy:
  • kimbaclay
    Thank you! Looking forward to getting going! I do some excersize i skate a little now as i enjoyi it more than the gym!!! :grumble:
    I think you are right though i need to definately do more. My goal for the year is to do the great eatern run near the end of the year so will see how this year pans out :indifferent:
  • dyte
    dyte Posts: 13
    Hi everyone! So far I like this website! It's cool how it will accurately track my calorie intake to help me lose weight. I am really excited and ready to reach my 120 goal!! It's been a struggle and hoping it won't be so hard!

    Jennie :smile: