drummer needs to be more controlled!

Hi All,

I have just signed up and entered what I have eaten for lunch and breakfast, and it has reached 2000calories already,
I cant believe it!

So, im starting today, need to lose about 100pounds in the year 2011, to be ready for big event in 2012!


  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Welcome aboard.

    Best wishes
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    Yes, it will surprise you the number of calories in things you eat without thinking it could possibly be that high. Check your labels, if you don't have labels load up MFP and put it in the system and see what it says it will run.

    Good Luck to you... This site can and will help you if you use it...
  • sabrads
    sabrads Posts: 152

    That was my big shock - I didnt realise how much I was eating - until it was too late. Now I am a track-a-holic, logging all I eat and it is working for me - I am down 19lbs from when I started and my target is to exercise for at least 60 mins each day this week. Even if that is 60 mins of walking.

    Stick with it - once you get your intake under control you can see how the programme works and start adding back with what you exercise.
