Starvation Mode

mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I've read many of the MFP posts on eating your calories back and going into starvation mode. There is one thing that just keeps eluding me. If my body actually shuts down and quits losing weight because I were in "starvation mode" and I need to eat more to lose weight - how does someone become anexoric? Not that I want to be there by any means. I'm a healthy weight and want to lose about 7 more lbs to my goal. I'm doing P90X, eating extremely closely to their program, but haven't lost any weight at all, although I have lost inches.

I'm trying to eat back my exercise calories - but for example, that would have left me at 2800 calories yesterday - I"m presently set between 1500-1700 calories per day and burn about 300 on average for a week. But yesterday, I worked out and ran too, and burned over 900 calories. I wasn't hungry, didn't run craving carbs, and not tired or sore. I ate on plan, but struggled trying to get an extra 1000 calories out of the day. This AM - I still weighted the same.

I'm also trying to figure out - my "completed diary" shows that in 5 weeks I will weigh X - which so isn't true at all.

Can someone please help me shed light on this? I wouldn't say I've plateaued, as I"m definitely gaining muscle % - I will test for sure in 4 weeks when I finish P90X.


  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    Your body can only save so much even in starvation mode. If someone NEVER gets enough calories to sustain them they'll obviously continue to lose weight.

    I never had the problem of not being able to eat all my exercise calories so can't help you with that. I don't have enough time or desire to work out that much:)
  • People who are anorexic are in muscle burning mode, not fat burning mode which is why they look so ill.

    Never trust scales, they lie! Mine said I hadn't budged any weight and yet the tape measure showed I had lot 2" from my waist. If you're putting on muscle then your weight won't change ;-)
  • I know what you mean. For me, i listen to my body. I don't worry about the starvation zone if my body tells me that im not hungry i don't eat. I am eating between 800-1200 calories per day and that allows me to lose wieght. If i eat between 1200 and 1700 i don't lose or gain. If i eat above 1700 i start to gain weight. Until my body tells me different i am going to stay on that pace. I'm sure it's different for everyone and i may be losing a little muscle but i am lifting too so i don't think it will make much difference. I am more concerend with losing wieght for now.
  • SevenisHeaven
    SevenisHeaven Posts: 163 Member
    I totally get the responces you've gotten, but I have the same exact question!

    I cannot possibly eat THAT many calories in one day without pigging out on BAD food. I have read the threads about eating your exercise calories, but I just can't eat that much in one day!....
  • marianmaj
    marianmaj Posts: 96 Member
    You must measure your waist and hips and see how much you have lost; some people do gain muscle more easily but it is pretty rare...takes a lot of work to gain even one pound of muscle....but one pound of fat ...EASY to gain! Fat takes up much more space than muscle...we should be 3 parts muscle to one part fat...most people are the other way around! Get a body fat test done at the gym. I need to lose 7 pounds too and it is harder when you have such a relatively small amount of fat to shed. Your body wants to hang on to every ounce. Keep stress levels low(cortisol) and add more need to sweat every day! You will lose more weight on less calories....anorexics eat 700 cals a day and that is dangerous but yes they lose all body fat Get to 1000 or 1,200 cals a day for 3 or 4 days and see the pounds drop. Stop all dairy and red meat. Good luck!
  • marianmaj
    marianmaj Posts: 96 Member
    You must measure your waist and hips and see how much you have lost; some people do gain muscle more easily but it is pretty rare...takes a lot of work to gain even one pound of muscle....but one pound of fat ...EASY to gain! Fat takes up much more space than muscle...we should be 3 parts muscle to one part fat...most people are the other way around! Get a body fat test done at the gym. I need to lose 7 pounds too and it is harder when you have such a relatively small amount of fat to shed. Your body wants to hang on to every ounce. Keep stress levels low(cortisol) and add more need to sweat every day! You will lose more weight on less calories....anorexics eat 700 cals a day and that is dangerous but yes they lose all body fat Get to 1000 or 1,200 cals a day for 3 or 4 days and see the pounds drop. Stop all dairy and red meat. Good luck!
  • The people who get skinny anerexic are normaly skinny to begin with. I had been following a 1200 calorie diet for 2 years and had the doctor tell me I was in starvation mode. My body got bigger becuase it kept all the calories it possibly could instead of letting it go. Eventualy if I would have continued that way I would have started losing weight. But after 2 years on too little calories I was getting sick all the time. I would sugest talking to a nutritionist if your worried about how many you should be eating they can tell you exactly how many you need. they have a machine that caluates how many calores you would burn in a day.
  • the completed diary thing is bs....ignore that and continue your course.....don't focus on weight as much as how much bodyfat you are losing....because what is important really?...losing that excess bodyfat!....p90x is an excellent way to truly trim fat off of your body...sounds like you are doing great! far as starvation mode?...just make sure you are getting enough protein daily for the amount of exercise you are doing...good luck!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    read this, it has a ton of links to posts that may help. Please note, Cheryl adds new topics to the end, so scroll through to find more links.

    also, I just posted something that covers this concept (anorexia) that you may find useful.

    also I posted this research article today, which is another good informational post.

    Just know, this is not a simple topic, it's complex and had a lot of moving parts. Firstly, weight loss doesn't stop in starvation mode, your RMR lowers and you burn lean tissue in greater quantity and burn adipose fat less.

    To directly answer your question, there's basically a "floor" that your body won't go lower than in deficit. Annorexics are basically eating their own body for energy, which is how their body makes up the difference in calories in vs energy needed. Essentially annorexics will become lethargic, their organs will start to shut down, and their hair, skin, nails, and teeth will all degrade rapidly because the body will syphon off the energy needed to support them to instead support the vital organs (heart, liver, brain, nervous system...etc.)

    As to why you didn't see a weight loss in one day, it's probably because the body doesn't work in terms of days, it works in terms of months, even though you might have burned some calories, you didn't burn off a lb's worth of calories, and because of the additional workout, your body probably added some extra water to support the recovering muscles (which has weight) so it's perfectly normal to stay the same weight or even gain weight after a really hard workout. You need to think in terms of monthly updates, daily updates will simply frustrate you.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Everybody's body is different. To put a set amount of calories that every body needs is ridiculous! You just have to listen to your body and figure out what works best for you! Find the amount of calories it takes for you to lose 1-3 lbs a week. stay in that range and you will be fine! eat healthy well balanced meals. if you get too obsessed with calories you will lose sight of the main goal, which is too get healthy! logging your calories is a great tool, but it's just that, a tool!
  • elizabethl27
    elizabethl27 Posts: 52 Member
    When somebody is truly anorexic, they eat way below 1200 calories a day. An anorexic person may only eat 200 calories a day, and his/her body tries to store that, but it is impossible. However, because your not anorexic, your body goes into starvation mode. You are eating enough so that your body conserves it as much as possible.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Thanks Banks!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member

    Just know, this is not a simple topic, it's complex and had a lot of moving parts. Firstly, weight loss doesn't stop in starvation mode, your RMR lowers and you burn lean tissue in greater quantity and burn adipose fat less.

    To directly answer your question, there's basically a "floor" that your body won't go lower than in deficit. Annorexics are basically eating their own body for energy, which is how their body makes up the difference in calories in vs energy needed. Essentially annorexics will become lethargic, their organs will start to shut down, and their hair, skin, nails, and teeth will all degrade rapidly because the body will syphon off the energy needed to support them to instead support the vital organs (heart, liver, brain, nervous system...etc.)

    As to why you didn't see a weight loss in one day, it's probably because the body doesn't work in terms of days, it works in terms of months, even though you might have burned some calories, you didn't burn off a lb's worth of calories, and because of the additional workout, your body probably added some extra water to support the recovering muscles (which has weight) so it's perfectly normal to stay the same weight or even gain weight after a really hard workout. You need to think in terms of monthly updates, daily updates will simply frustrate you.

    OK - I think I get it a little better. Am I right.... So since I am gaining muscle, I'm still eating well, starvation mode isn't just simple as no weight loss. Since I'm still healthy, working out, not gaining in size, but still losing inches, the weight doesn't really come in to an equal factor as we've all been taught to believe. So I may never get down to my "goal" weight but it explains why I am the "size" I was when I weighted less years ago, because I may be in better shape this time? So when I re-do my body comp scale in 4 weeks, I should notice it in body fat % there instead?
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    OK - I think I get it a little better. Am I right.... So since I am gaining muscle, I'm still eating well, starvation mode isn't just simple as no weight loss. Since I'm still healthy, working out, not gaining in size, but still losing inches, the weight doesn't really come in to an equal factor as we've all been taught to believe. So I may never get down to my "goal" weight but it explains why I am the "size" I was when I weighted less years ago, because I may be in better shape this time? So when I re-do my body comp scale in 4 weeks, I should notice it in body fat % there instead?

    That's close enough I think. the only thing you may not be 100% right about is gaining muscle. You really can't gain actual muscle while at a caloric deficit. BUT what you can do is re-activate dormant parts of muscle that you haven't used, which means weight gain; because that newly active muscle needs energy in the form of glycogen, which means more weight and size at the muscle site. Which is a good thing. So while technically I doubt you gained any muscle mass, for all intents and purposes that's exactly correct. Remember, the weight you gain isn't fat, and that newly active muscle is now burning calories again (even at rest) so it's essentially the same thing as building new muscle as far as you are concerned.
  • marly83
    marly83 Posts: 10
    how many calories does a annorexic eat.....i thought they didnt eat at all lol
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    how many calories does a annorexic eat.....i thought they didnt eat at all lol

    there's no absolute number, it's a psychological condition. The eating aspect is just a control mechanism usually. I.E. the anorexic usually limits their eating as a way to feel in control of an aspect of their life because other parts of their life feel out of control.
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