Healthy breakfast



  • WendiMarissa
    I've been eating a papaya and 1/2 a cup of kefir in the morning. Its pretty filling. I mean I don't feel stuffed or anything, but it holds me over and I don't feel famished. The kefir is low fat from Trader joes. So the cals are low, but the protein is good. And papayas are good for you... they are low in sugar, decent fiber and do all kinds of stuff, they are a diuretic... which i feel i need cuz I work out so much now I feel like I retain water. I dunno I'm never hungry really during the day. I feel like come 7 pm I'm hungry every 2 hours, it's terrible.. but I guess thats another topic. If anyone can help that'd be great!
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    My breakfasts usually contain at least a couple of the following:

    Whole grain toast or english muffin
    A few almonds
    Kashi GoLean cereal or protein bar
    a piece of fruit
    lowfat yogurt

    And someone said something about "waiting for fruit to come in season" - not really necessary for some of them. Fresh is nice, but I can't afford fresh berries all year - and I'd die without having some throughout the winter. I love getting frozen fruit (mostly berries) and using that in my yogurt or cottage cheese.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Awesome! Thanks so much everyone! Once fruit comes back into season I'll be sure to do the fruit and yogurt thing - so tasty! Glad to hear there are so many delicious breakfast options!!!
    You can always buy frozen fruit. Berries (esp. blueberries) have so many healthy benefits and they pair nicely with yogurt. Just make sure to check the ingredient list and avoid those that have added sugar.
  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    My favorite breakfast ever is soft boiled egg (or eggs) with some whole wheat toast cut into fingers for me to dip into the yolks

    and half a grapefruit, sometimes apple slices instead
  • GremlinJenny
    this morning i had the following omelette:

    3 Eggs (whites only)
    1/4 cup Red Onions, diced
    2 tbsp Parmesan Cheese
    2 tbsp salsa
    1/4 crushed chili peppers

    total cals = 111
    total fat = 2 g

    took me about 5 minutes to make, extremely satisfying to my taste buds, and filled me up for HOURS. and it's cheap. hehehe.