COME ON 30!!!

vdub88 Posts: 79
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I'm frustrated trying so hard to get to 30 pounds lost seem to have hit a plateau. I did an ok job eating this week, some days not so good! I have been burning 3000 calories or more in excercise per week. AND NOTHING! Grr.

I'm going to the gym on my lunch 2-3 times this week. 2x a week with trainer for strength and will spend time at home walking or jogging on tredmill. Why is this so damn hard!

I feel like I have to drinkslimfast, eat broth and drink water to lose the weight. I don't take any diet pills and I refuse to - I want to do this the old fashioned way - I want to earn this. I'm happy I have gotten down since 8-1 28 pounds - but come on i'm waiting to see 30! Where are you! DAMN it I want 30!!


  • lisamsyang
    lisamsyang Posts: 7 Member
    It's frustrating and stressful. I went on a workout binge in the end of 2009, and lost over 46 lbs by May 2010. I was at my best but then I let it all go and have gained most of it back. So now I'm back to the drawing board and trying to get back again.

    Hang in there. You may burn a lot but you need to make sure you're eating good calories too. Meaning eating right. Even if you burn a lot of calories working out, you need to eat right or healthy calories to keep it off. You might also need to UP your workout. I found that I didn't push myself enough when I was on the treadmill. So I started running more and pushing myself even when I felt I couldn't go anymore. Now I can run 2 miles on the treadmill without feeling a need to stop. But increase gradually.

    I'm not sure what you might be doing or might not so I'm only giving you suggestions based off what I have found for myself. I ate a lot less, worked out a lot more. You're not alone and it always feels like forever but keep at it and soon the weight will keep shedding. You've done good so far, just keep going and UP your workout and change your eating if that might be the case. Also, make sure you don't eat passed 8pm. Good luck.
  • I'm not an expert but have you tried eating different foods than your norm or doing different workouts, stuff you haven't done before. Sometimes our bodies get accustomed to certain things and then a change in routine will get results again.
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