Help reaching next week's Mini Goal!!

Ok, so my first mini-goal (which if I complete would be the first completed weight goal EVER!) is next Monday and I'm supposed to be down 7 lbs lower than I was this morning. I realize losing 7 lbs in one week isn't likely or probably healthy. Saturday I was only 5.5 lbs up from this goal and it seemed totally realistic then. I didn't cheat or do anything wrong yesterday but today I was up to 7 lbs. over my goal. I'm assuming this morning's weight was a spike that will go back to my Saturday weight eventually. I do feel really bloated (no TOM) and maybe I just had more sodium than my diary indicated.

My question is, if I wanted to be ABSOLUTELY perfect this week (a little angel!) in order to maximize my shot at meeting my goal, what exactly would I need to do?

I drink a lot of water (at least 12 cups daily), I do 30 minutes of cardio daily and I strictly stick to my 1200 net (post workout) diary and try to keep my sodium in check and limit any alcohol (I won't be drinking any before this goal). There's got to be a super-efficient combination of these things that I can do to really maximize my weight loss during the next week.

Once that goal date is behind me, I'll resume normal being good habits. But I really want to push it this week. Any ideas?


  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    It looks like you are doing everything right. Keep it up and the scale will soon follow. Taking measurements is a good back up also :-)
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    I would try bumping up your exercise. Any days you can do an hour? If you can do a couple days with an hour of cardio, don't eat those extra calories. Only eat between 1200 and 1300 calories those days? These are only suggestions.
  • jennlee80
    jennlee80 Posts: 142
    I took a look at your diary (thanks for sharing) and I think you should maybe try eating something a little more than tea 1st thing in the A.M. That may give your metabolism a little bump :) Maybe some oatmeal, egg whites or even some berries. Just maybe something a little more first thing. You are doing great so far!!! Don't let that gain bring you down
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I took a look at your diary (thanks for sharing) and I think you should maybe try eating something a little more than tea 1st thing in the A.M. That may give your metabolism a little bump :) Maybe some oatmeal, egg whites or even some berries. Just maybe something a little more first thing. You are doing great so far!!! Don't let that gain bring you down

    Thanks for this tip. I'm not a breakfast person but I know there are a lot of people who claim it is crucial to weight loss. I had intended to bring a Vita Top to work but left it at home. The tea fills me up so I completely forget about food. I appreciate you're reminding me of this. I'll be sure to redistribute some calories so I can grab something to eat each morning before I leave for work and see if that helps me. Thanks!!
  • sharonpryke
    sharonpryke Posts: 13 Member
    You're right - losing seven pounds in a week is unrealistic, and very unhealthy! You might be able to get close to it (say 4 or 5lbs lost) by cutting down to 1,000 calories a day, doing extra exercise (and not eating the calories burned) - maybe even going for a sauna - but it is very likely that the following week you would put some of the pounds back on again - which will not make you feel good at all or help with your long-term goals.

    I would really suggest setting yourself some realistic goals - along the lines of losing 2lbs a week and sticking with that. Unfortunately losing weight tends to be a long-term, rather than a short-term project.

    If you've never managed to meet a mini-goal before - take a look at your goals and see if they're realistic or not.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I would try bumping up your exercise. Any days you can do an hour? If you can do a couple days with an hour of cardio, don't eat those extra calories. Only eat between 1200 and 1300 calories those days? These are only suggestions.

    Actually, I was thinking of giving myself a rest day today because I was worried I may have been taxing myself too much with these workouts. My legs still feel really tired from yesterday's C25k run (which totally kicked my butt). If adding workouts to my week will help me meet my goal, I'll do it. I just want to be sure before I push it (my husband's gonna hate me this week! lol).
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    You're right - losing seven pounds in a week is unrealistic, and very unhealthy! You might be able to get close to it (say 4 or 5lbs lost) by cutting down to 1,000 calories a day, doing extra exercise (and not eating the calories burned) - maybe even going for a sauna - but it is very likely that the following week you would put some of the pounds back on again - which will not make you feel good at all or help with your long-term goals.

    I would really suggest setting yourself some realistic goals - along the lines of losing 2lbs a week and sticking with that. Unfortunately losing weight tends to be a long-term, rather than a short-term project.

    If you've never managed to meet a mini-goal before - take a look at your goals and see if they're realistic or not.

    I appreciate the tip Sharon. Actually, I think the goal I had set was realistic. It was realistic Saturday when I weighed in. I had a spike this morning which I don't think is really as accurate. I've been carefully following my regimen all last week and have been doing so healthily. I agree that the push to meet this goal might result in a slight increase in weight post-goal. That's a perspective I hadn't thought of, so thanks. I have my goal set to lose 2lbs a week (10 per month), which I think is realistic and had been working very well up until this morning's weigh in.
  • jennlee80
    jennlee80 Posts: 142
    You are welcome!!!!! I notice a huge difference when I eat breakfast! Even if you have some oatmeal it would help. Good luck!
  • jensyth
    jensyth Posts: 21 Member
    I will agree with the others that say you shouldn't try to go too far outside your normal routine. I know how good it feels to hit your goals, but I would say just make sure you don't go too far to the extreme to hit this mini goal and then burn out (or whatever the diet equivalent would be) and go completely off track/start over. Not saying you would do that, just talking from personal experience :bigsmile: I know my mini-goal is to lose 10lbs a month as well and right now I'm on track to hit the first 10 by next Monday, but I think that's partly because I'm just starting out so in reality, I'm actually hoping it will be more around 15 lbs. My only suggestion I guess would be to see if your current plans (diet, exercise, etc) are really the best you can do, or if you know you have it in you to exercise more, or eat healthier, etc.

    Me, for instance, I know I could defiitely work out harder (I'll be upping my run speed for my C25K) and eating healthier (I don't think I've been under my Sugar limit ever yet, too many 'treats' even though I come out under total calorie/carb limit) so I know I could improve. But if you're already doing the best you can, just chalk it up to the mysteries of the human body :bigsmile: