Making a Workout Schedule??

HaloBaby Posts: 11
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I have a question about making a workout schedule... I'd like to make one because I tend to actually get things done when I have a schedule worked out and writen down. I'm a major list maker and follower. lol.

But, I don't know how to make one. I don't know what exercises to do on what day. Or how much of a particular exercise to do. Or which exercises should be paired together. So, can someone give me a guide on how to make my own workout schedule?


  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    I've done it different ways.. Right now I've went back to basics to kinda throw my muscles a curve.

    At the moment Mondays are upper body and Friday or Saturday are lower body.

    Start that way. Then as you learn more you can couple other things up.

    I've been known to work Biceps and Triceps on Monday.
    Legs on Tuesday.
    Rest on Wednesday.
    Chest, Shoulders, and Back on Thursday.
    Lower Back, Upper Legs, and Core on Friday.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Here is my work out schedule:

    Weekdays @ 4:30 am; Weekends @ 8 am
    Monday: 20 min cardio + P90X strength routine + Ab Ripper X
    Tuesday: 3 mile run
    Wednesday: Spinning (60 min)
    Thursday: 3 mile run
    Friday: 20 min cardio + P90X strength routhine + Ab Ripper x
    Saturday: Tempo Run, 5-8 miles + Golf
    Sunday: Long run, 8-10 miles + Yoga

    I alternate through the various P90X strength (not kempo, plyo, or cardio) during my 2 lifting days.

    In terms of making your own schedule find things that you like (i, obviously, like running) and that will help you reach your goals (I also want toned arms). And start small, even 20 mins a day 3 times a week is great.

    Good luck!
  • micahman
    micahman Posts: 15 Member
    You can go on and see what they have. They have a womans section on there. I have gotten alot of ideas from their web site. If you belong to a gym see if they can put on together for you. I would recommend getting a personal trainer for about a month (once every week) and you will get tons of ideas. I belong to a 24 hour gym and love it. I do pay extra for a trainer but it is so much worth it. This is my treat for me!!!!! I dont have my nails done, or hair done (that much) dont spend tons of money on clothes, food (take out or resturants, expensive coffees) so it doesnt bother me to spend money esp. for my health. So if you can afford it get a personal trainer for a little bit. If not go on Working out is the best med for stress and over all health. Not just cardio but weights, squats, lunges all of this will have a big impact on you body. Good luck in your journey. This is a good journey...
  • JustJessie
    JustJessie Posts: 162 Member
    What I have planned are different workout classes or videos. These classes focus on more strength training then cardio so I also schedule in cardio as well. I take boxing or kick boxing classes when it fits with my schedule. I am starting the 30 day shred today as well so that will be 20-30 mins everyday. When I can't do the classes I have it planned to do just cardio on the treadmill or elliptical. The best way not to get bored is to mix it up as much as possible. I always feel lost with my strength training so I have found classes keep me focused and push me through it.
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