This is hard!



  • momof26
    momof26 Posts: 83
    Awww, thanks guys!! :o) Glad to have everyone here!
  • Buttsmom
    Buttsmom Posts: 351 Member
    We are always here for you!!! I have the same thing here. It's really hard seeing everyone else here heap their plates full of what ever they want, when I have measured portions on my plate. And then to see the teenagers in the kitchen shoveling junk food in their faces. Keep up the good work you are doing and whenever you need us we will be here for you.
  • aschroyer
    Sorry you dont have support at home, I always think that its a good way to bond/spend some time together. We like to hike, bike ride with the kids, or even make up our own workouts, sometimes we are so goofy that it makes the workout time go by faster. Maybe you will be able to change his mind, if not for himself, for you and the family :) Good luck!