Bring on 30 !! New members looking to lose in thier 30's



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    So I totally ate and drank whatever I wanted at our Super Bowl party. I didn't eat much the rest of the day and even took a walk in preparation even though I didn't want to. I didn't go overboard and gorge but estimated I was over about 500 calories. I thought I would feel really guilty, but I didn't which is kind of a big deal for me. I'm notorius for making myself feel guilty about not eating well and/or not working out enough. So this for me is progress! Yay. Hope everyone had a good weekend.
  • achart
    achart Posts: 11
    I was supposed to weigh myself today. I couldn't, though, because I know I gained this week and I can't stand to see a higher number this week than last week. So, I'm going to wait until next week.
  • jesneverhome
    jesneverhome Posts: 12 Member
    I went to Dallas for Superbowl....need i say more. BUT on the upside. I didn't gain, but I sure didnt track anything. Today is a new day. Let's see if I can get it together. My birthday is in two weeks!!
  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    I didn't drink on superbowl but we did have a fat meal. Stuffed shells and meatball. I didn't eat much though, normal years are pizza, wings and tons of snack. Since having kids we really do not party for superbowl though. I'm a home body for that game. I can't stand being smooshed in someone's house when I can watch it on my own couch with tons of viewing room.. Anyother day I enjoy a good party. :)

    I'm not doing bad, just no movement lately it seems like. I'm praying for a 1-2 pound loss this week. I am so close to the 150's and I want it now.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I gained a pound this week. I'm a little bummed, but it could be due to water weight or other bodily issues. I am trying not to be down about it and look on the positive side. Next week I have potential to lose more! I've been doing this about a month now and am only down 2 pounds. Slow and steady I guess. I think I am seeing changes in my body however - my waist seems a little smaller and I think I have less back fat! Yes! I hate back fat. I wish I would have taken before pics and think I will at this point to have something to compare when I get to my goal....which I WILL! Even if it takes me until my 31st birthday in September. Hope everyone is having a good week. The weekend is almost here! Woo hoo!
  • sohern
    sohern Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'd love to join this group! My name is Sarah, and I'll be turning 30 in early July. I'm primarily a SAHM with three little girls ages six, three, and my baby will be 1 in two weeks. I also work very part time as a fitness instructor. I teach spinning 2-3 times per week, and bootcamp twice a week in the summer. Unfortunately, even though I get paid to workout I still have some inches to lose!
    I've been on MFP on and off for the past few years. It seems like it's been a constant cycle of getting my weight down and then getting pregnant and having to go through the whole thing over again. Luckily, I did much better during my last pregnancy and stayed active and healthy throughout.
    I'm currently 136, and want to get down to about 125 by the big 3-0, then perhaps try to get to 120. My other goal is to work on restoring my strength and muscle tone.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone on here!

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  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    Welcome to the group Sarah

    I decided to change my weigh in day. Monday just were not working for me. I will admit I'm addicting to wieghing myself, I know its bad but at least I admit it RIGHT? Oh well, with that said I always weight the most on Monday, not alot more - either a pound or remian the same but if I check Tues - Fri I always get a better result and the result is consistant all those days. It's like Monday's I add more water weight, not sure if thats true. So I decided today will be my new day. I am 160.5, thats 7.5 loss since starting. I'm .2 away from a healthy BMI again. Praying I'll be there by next week. I'm doing different systems on the elliptical and I'm feeling it. My belly even looks slimmer, can't wait to see what another month brings.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    been a good week so far for me. Managed to stay under my cal count apart from tonigh and going out tomorro nightt! oops! will have to work extra hard over next few days!

    Plus im also doing the 30ds and am on day 8 and it works me hard! ive lost 8lbs since 15th jan (on top of what id lost before i joined mfp) and its come off relatively ok. im very bloated today as its nearly TOM and been soo thirsty! i think its coz im more active than i used to be think i had about 12 cups of water today! lol! and i could have had more! dreading tomorrows weigh in! but hey ho, tomorrow is another day! :)

    ps- i think i have some of you as friends, feel free to add me :). i have learnt loads from people ive met on here!
  • sohern
    sohern Posts: 5 Member
    Kim - I weigh myself just about every day as well. I don't necessarily think that it's a bad thing, as long as you don't get obsessive about it. Which can be difficult, I know! I know that some studies say you shouldn't weigh yourself daily, as it can be demoralizing, and others claim that daily weigh-ins keep you on track. So I guess whatever works best for you is what you should do!
    Maria - I Love the 30ds! I'm normally not into dvd workouts, but the bootcamp style moves are right up my alley. My husband does it as well, although he probably wouldn't want me sharing that with everyone!
    My week has been pretty good overall. I've had some really good workouts and have "mostly" kept on track with my eating. Unfortunately, it's taking almost everything I have not to go raid the refrigerator right now! Why is it that I'm hungriest on my non-workout days?! The weight isn't coming off as quickly as I would like (I think I've lost maybe 4lbs since the beginning of January). But my pants are getting super loose and my booty is definitely shrinking, so I'm trying to stay focused on those non-scale accomplishments.
  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    I'm having the worst week every. My husband is away and I have two sick kids. I haven't worked out since Sunday. Not good at all. Tuesday I ate just about everything in front of me. Today I'm showing I'm 1 pound up so I'm sure come Friday I'll have an increase. I doubt I'll have time to work anything off today. Hopefully Thursday once he returns I'll get back to working out again.
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    I had about given up on making my first mini goal as I had a long way to go in only a few weeks, but have renewed faith after stepping on the scale to see a 2 lb loss today! Dealing with some bad family news will make it tough to stay on track the next couple of weeks, but I'm now more determined than ever and need my MFP buddies to push me! :)
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
    Hi! I would like to join the group! I turned 30 in November. My stats are at the bottom :) I would like to lose the last amount BUT my OBGYN wants to get me started on Clomid (fertility med) this month. I will be going to Idaho this month so I'll probably start Clomid in April. We are going for our 2nd and last child. My hubby and I agreed that two is a great number! I have a 8 month old baby girl. Feel free to friend me!

    Have a great day!

  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    Creiche - Great Loss.

    Laura - Welcome, the group is pretty slow but lots of the members are still great motivators as friends. Did you take Clomid last time too? We were close to using it for our second but our last month before the actually appt we got pregnant. My 1st was a one hit deal and we were pregnant then the 2nd took a good 11 month. In my case I think it was the BC I was using.. totally messed up my cycle and then it was hard to get my body back after. Congrats on trying again. I'm not sure if we are done or not. Life is great with 2. so only time will tell.