3 weeks in & I need some on-line pals

jenmarmar Posts: 1
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there, I started this 3 weeks ago as a New Year's Resolution. My husband, my 11-yr old daughter & I are all training for a 5K run through a Couch to 5K program. I also have a 10 mo. old baby girl that I stay home with. I have a 70 lb weight loss goal. I have been sticking to my 1200 calories, running or walking 4-5 times per week and have only lost 5 lbs so far. I read some blogs about watching the sodium and drinking more water, but does anyone have any suggestions for me? I did not loose at all this pst week.

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter


  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    Are you still eating 1200 on days that you exercise, or eating a net 1200? If you're training for a marathon, you'll want to eat back those exercise calories so that you don't lose muscle mass. If you don't, your body will go into starvation mode and lower your metabolism.
    If you are eating back those calories, you're probably building muscle, which weighs more than fat but looks better. Remember that fitness does not always mean extreme weight loss.
  • missgreen74_2003
    missgreen74_2003 Posts: 52 Member
    you could be gaining muscle and that might make the scale go up... try to look at your non scale victories to keep positive and motivated!! Are your measurements still getting smaller? Can you do your work out easier? Be proud of that and realized that sometimes it doesn't move on the scale, but you are still making progress!!
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    Friend request coming your way. I joined five weeks ago and have only lost 4 pounds but I have been doing strenght training and have lost inches so I am not as concerned with what the scale says because I can tell a difference in my clothing and how I feel. I think you have really done well for only doing this for 3 weeks. I have about 50 pounds to lose, it seems like a lot but I am just going to do it 5 10lb increments, more managable and less overwhelming to me.

    Wishing you well in your weight loss pursuit and goals!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Like the first responder said, if you are on a 1200 cal/day diet you should eat back the extra calories from working out. MFP already gives you a deficit to lose your goal amount weight at 1200 cals and it is suggested to eat them back to keep your daily caloric deficit to your goal amount.

    1200 cals and no exercise is like 1700 burning 500 cals through exercise (1700-500) Both net 1200 which is what MFP recommends as a minimum amount of calories.
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Don't get discouraged. Remember, like dragonbug said, those 1200 calories should be net and that really is very important. Other than that, get plenty of water and rest and just stick to it. As long as you put in the work, you will see the results. You'll have some good weeks and some that you wish were better but that's what your support system is for. Good luck with everything!! You'll do great!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    you could be gaining muscle and that might make the scale go up... try to look at your non scale victories to keep positive and motivated!! Are your measurements still getting smaller? Can you do your work out easier? Be proud of that and realized that sometimes it doesn't move on the scale, but you are still making progress!!

    actually she is more likely to lose muscle doing running workouts on a caloric deficit.
  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    Sorry no suggestions. I'm in the same boat as you. I've been working for 3 weeks now and lost basically the same as you. Just wanted to say good luck.

    I'm not 100% counting my calories but if I had to guess I'm around 1100-1300. I'm using our elliptical for 60 minutes 4-5 days a week. I'm constantly drinking water, helps cut the cravings if I always have a drink to sip. My downfall are Tuesdays. I work 10 hour days to have a day off midweek and Tuesday with getting my 4 year old to and from school I snack. Weekends are a little tough but for some reason I'm terrible on Tuesday wiht the kids by myself.

    Good luck, I'm terrified this week. AF is starting today so I'm thinking I should not weight in until after
  • gangstagirl625
    gangstagirl625 Posts: 187 Member
    congrats on 5 lbs. which means ur right on track with the program 2 lbs a week. To loose it faster cut ur calories down a tad more or increase ur cardio.
  • Yes if you want to loose weight its best to keep a low sodium diet as sodium retains fluids in your cells. If you have been working out for a while and you feel like you not loosing anymore weight you need to continuously increase your aerobic activity for example if you run a mile say in 15 mins do it in 10mins next time when u do it 10mins increase from 1mile to 2mile that kind of thing, you need to constantly confuse your body and not let it get used to the same routine all the time.
  • limonami
    limonami Posts: 30 Member
    Are your retaining water???
    Are you on your period or are you due to have your period?
    Are you breastfeeding?
    This can be some of the reasons why you did not loose any weight this week.
    Sometimes This^^^^^ May add a few pounds on the scale.
    You can also just be at a plateau this week.
    It happens sometimes were you just don't loose for a bit.
    But then you start too loose again.
    Just keep up with your healthy eating and exercise and you'll see the results.
    Don't let this weeks weight in get you down and out.

    Ps: If you are working out you can be gaining muscle and muscle is heavier then fat.
    So you maybe loosing weight but the muscles are adding to the scale:happy:
  • pjclaw53
    pjclaw53 Posts: 4 Member
    Sounds to me you are off to a very good start. It just takes time for your body to respond into a fat burning machine. Don't get discouraged. Just wait and see. You will be surprised how things will fall into place. Over the last 6 months I have lost over 100 lbs. I still have about 20 more to lose. Consistency is the key. Cannot be a fad diet or part time exercise program. It's also good to have support from you family, which I suspect you already have, and from others who are going through the same process you are going through.
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    Welcome! I don't think 5 lbs in three weeks is that bad. Make sure you are eating your exercise calories so your body doesn't go into starvation mode; that will only slow your metabolism and weight loss. Feel free to friend me if you'd like, I wld be happy to share any advice or just encouragement with you. Good luck!
  • Julesjhj
    Julesjhj Posts: 150 Member
    Sounds like you are off to a great start. Try not to get discouraged. It does take time. Try mixing it up so you keep your body always guessing. When I hit a plateau, I try to incorporate different exercises and add different foods to my menu.

    I am doing C25k as well and just finished week 1. I did it this time last year as well and ran a 5k last May. It was a great feeling crossing that finish line and knowing what I had accomplished. I am signed up for a 5k called warrior dash in my area in the spring and I am hoping my husband or son will run it with me. I have 25 pesky more pounds to lose and my goal is to tackle 10 at a time.

    Gook luck,
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    See 'rapidly loosing heart' topic on this message board....there is one long entry that goes over what happens if you don't eat enough calories, which may be the case if you are doing so much exercise and not loosing. Just a thought. Good luck!
  • weesprout
    weesprout Posts: 4 Member
    dont forget muscel weighs more than fat, try forgetting scales for a bit and using the tape measure if youre toning up you'r weight might not change, hope this helps
  • Sending friend request...
    I'm also training for my first 5K!

    It may not seem like much but 5 pounds is great...you should be proud. :wink:

    I know it can be frustrating when you want to lose more but from what i've been told, it's really not all that healthy to lose more than a couple pounds a week.
  • kpovich
    kpovich Posts: 27
    Never forget your water goal!!!! It's very important to stay hydrated. And if you've had a high sodium day, you need even more to wash that out of your system. :)

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the rule is that you should drink 8 oz of water (1 Cup) for every 20 pounds you weigh. I know there's some calcuation to go by out there and I think this is pretty close.

    I've been on here three weeks as well. Had a bad weekend and gained back 1.5 lbs. BUT, I will not be discouraged!!!!! Sometimes life gets in the way... and that's ok. The important thing is to not give up, get back on path, and move forward... forget about yesterday, it's O-V-E-R! ;)

    Have a GREAT day!
  • LindaReInDE
    LindaReInDE Posts: 13 Member
    I started at 185 lbs. and my daughter, a personal trainer, upped my calories from what this program was telling me I needed. She felt it wasn't enough, and it didn't match what her studies show I would need, so my calories are 2,160 total. She also lowered my carbs and upped my proteins, but she was going by MY weight and my body type. I don't know your start weight, but it could be that you're not eating enough calories. Also, it helps to get your metabolism going in the morning with some cardio when you first wake if you can (I know you have small children, so that may be difficult, but even walking up and down the stairs is cardio!) Also, make sure you eat healthy meals and don't skip any meals. You need to do this to re-set your metabolism. My daughter teaches us to eat 6 healthy meals/day. Three years ago it took me a year to lose 10 lbs., but I have lost 8 lbs. in almost three weeks doing this, and I am estatic over that! I hope this helps! Please feel free to friend me, and good luck!!! :)
  • As much as it sucks, some weeks you may not have any weight loss, but maybe the following week you'll have lost 5lbs. Don't get discouraged, this is just a plateau and you will overcome it. Watching sodium intake is always important (I have to remind my own self of this) due to water retention. Good luck and don't stress! Wishing you luck on that 5k.
  • LindaReInDE
    LindaReInDE Posts: 13 Member
    another thought... If you're gaining lean muscle, it weighs more than fat, so you really can't go by the scales. My scale wasn't moving, but my clothes were getting lose.
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