Is this working?

I'm just curious about something. When you finish your food diary and complete the entry it says something like:if everyday were like today you'd weigh <weight> in 5 weeks. Is anyone else keeping track of this and is it accurate? Maybe I am putting too much faith in that little number because according to it I should be losing 1-2 lbs/week but I haven't lost anything in 2 weeks. Frustrating!!!!


  • billkirby
    billkirby Posts: 2 Member
    See my comments on facebook today. It will work in the long run. You will hit plateaus where you don't lose any. If you fall off the wagon for 1 day it will not make a big difference. But if you fall off too frequently it will make a difference. It is working for me so far and I plan to stick with it. I really hope you do too. The problem with eating a pizza size cookie, besides blowing it for one day, the sugar will make you hungry the next day. Enough preaching for one day. You have come this far, don't give up now.