Should I Monitor Weight Gains While Lifting Heavy Weights???

Sup Friends! I decided Im not going to post if I gain any weight over the course of my journey for a fitter body etc. I'm only going to post what my current weight is and if I go any lower in pounds lost then the last reported weight, I will report that. The reason I say that is I'm starting to lift heavy weights now. With my size it's very easy to build muscle fast it's a genetic thing but for some reason I also put on weight,fat super fast. So I still have to be conscious of the scale I just don't think if I report any pounds gained lke 2 or 3 will benefit me if my waist is getting smaller and clothes are fitting right like they should becaues of my progress thus far. I know by the test of that I'm in the right path. What do you guys think about that??? Should I still post regardless of a gain? Fill me in MFP's!!! GRACIAS!


  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    I do the same. It actually keeps me in check. If I were to gain 5 lbs it would change my calories for the day and I don't want to change any of that.
  • darrenw74
    darrenw74 Posts: 86 Member
    If you're at your goal weight, and flipped to maintenance mode, then sure.

    If you're still in a deficit and trying to lose, then I'd continue to post the weight regardless.

    You can also decide to do measurements instead. Weight is only part of the story, after all.