Depression and food

I try not to play the blame game most of my weight is from turning to food because of depression and being in an unhappy marriage. what can i do to instead of heading for the fridge when it starts to get bad. i excercise everyday but its not helping.


  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    meds help alot! and there nothing to be ashame of also either way your going to have to get the courage to change your problems also some therapy will help too. i love my therapy sessions i also go to OA meetings(hugs)
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    What helps me is to only stock the cupboards and fridge with foods that won't obliterate my calorie budget so that when the craving hits and gulping some water doesn't help, I can snack without feeling guilty about it. If that's not an option, try finding an activity (exercise, calling a friend, cleaning the house, coming on MFP) to focus on rather than raiding the fridge.
  • BriannaSkye
    I went on meds for 3 months and have now been off them for 3 years :) The gym, walks along the beach or just sitting on the cliffs worked for me and I made the decision to leave my ex
  • Toaster88
    Toaster88 Posts: 146
    I went the med way, too. Be sure to ask if the cause weight gain. They put me on one that shut down my ability to feel full. I knew all the eating was bad, but couldn't do anything about it. The month I was on it undid two months of my diet. But, the right med really, really helps.
  • EQHanks
    EQHanks Posts: 170 Member
    I am sorry that you are going through a tough time. I would say that there is a connection between depression and weight gain for sure. Perhaps seeing a doctor might help? Keep sticking to your new healthy lifestyle and be patient, results will come.
  • ShunkyDave
    ShunkyDave Posts: 190 Member
    I recommend therapy. Couples, and yourself. You're going to the cupboards because it makes you feel better. You've been trained to feel better when you eat (watch what a mother does with a crying new born).

    Instead, identify what you're really feeling before you get some food out. Realize what's making you choose that feeling (no one makes you feel anything -- you react), and ponder that for a while. If you still want to eat after identifying what's really bugging you, go ahead. But if you can work through the feeling, maybe you'll value your long-term health over making up for what 'he' is making you feel.

  • Crosby2010
    Crosby2010 Posts: 6 Member
    If it's possible to find some quiet alone time at home, try meditation. I've been doing it daily for 5 to 10minutes and working to longer. It's not easy to clear ones's mind and just concentrate on the sound and feel of your breathing, but I keep trying everyday. It brings me peace and leaves me feeling relaxed. It's like a mini vacation in your head. Escape from bad thoughts and misery. I even went to a store called Saje (I'm from Vancouver B.C.) and bought some essential oils, a diffuser and unscented tea lights to help create a peaceful atmosphere. Switched out the lights and just sat comfortably in a chair. Closed my eyes and went for it. You can go oline to get more info on how to meditate properly.
    This Wednesday I'm going to my local rec center and taking a Yoga class. ANYTHING to get me out of this funk. I'm depressed too. Give it a shot girl, you've got nothing to lose.
  • ValleyDiva
    I agree with SDave maybe you should speak with a therapist. I was going through a rough patch last year after 28 years of marriage and I begin to talk to a therapist and my doctor and things have gotten a lot better for me. I was depressed and gained over 35 from stress and depression but now I am on my way back down to my desired weight. So just hang in there and don't forget the prayer changes things.:flowerforyou:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I would definitely see your doctor or a therapist. You may not need medication, or you may need it for a short while, or you may need it long-term. Either way, it's good to see a professional. If it's life circumstances getting you down, you can either change the circumstances, or change the way you perceive them -- maybe get the hubby to go to couple's counseling, or if he won't, see a therapist to help YOU learn to cope with your situation.

    In the meantime, yes, exercise helps -- hard cardio, make yourself sweat. Get outside whenever you can, or if you can't, find a way to get a change of scenery by going to a friend's house, mall-walking, etc. Vitamin supplements can help. B complex is a good mood-booster, as is D. Make sure you're eating right (good balance of protein to carb) and getting enough sleep.

    But definitely, DEFINITELY see a pro. Yes, all change begins and ends with us, but sometimes when we're mired in depression it's hard to get started, and the professionals have the tools to help us dig our way out. Hugs for you. You can get through this.
  • Katz85340
    Katz85340 Posts: 206 Member
    I try not to play the blame game most of my weight is from turning to food because of depression and being in an unhappy marriage. what can i do to instead of heading for the fridge when it starts to get bad. i excercise everyday but its not helping.

    Oh I know that one so well. I am a stress/depression eater, and I too try not to play the blame game for my reasons for being overweight but it's the truth. I strongly suggest counseling in combination with your weight loss journey. Without fixing what's on the inside, fixing what's on the outside will be more difficult. Ask yourself why your depressed or anxious. When you reach for that food, ask yourself if you're really hungry or bored, stressed or depressed. Do it every time until it becomes habit. If private counseling is out of the question, find a group environment that focuses on both the depression and weight. It's a must.

    Also, be accountable to yourself. Log what you eat no matter how much or unhealthy. Never guilt yourself into eating more food because you made a poor choice; that will just set you off on binge eating. (I know about those!)

    You said you aren't happy in your marriage, so marriage counseling (if you're willing) may be another thing you must focus on. Is your spouse supportive of your goals? Does he have weight issues too? If he has weight issues, try to get him to do this with you and make it something you can do together to help strengthen the marriage. If not, or if he's not willing to work with you on this, marriage counseling is the next logical step.

    I pray that you will find your way my friend. Just be honest with yourself and take care of number! God bless!