Has anyone ever said...

(I thought this was important enough that it deserved a wider audience then just my blog.)

"Im Proud of you."

We are all on this journey of trying to lose weight. But we dont realize how incredibly deep and complex our issues are beyond just being overweight or obese. What others see is that we are fat and out of shape and we are down on ourselves. We have low self esteem and everyone thinks its because we are fat.
What if it wasnt? What if we are fat because we have a low self esteem? Im sure anyone of us here thats been a little successful has recieved a compliment that made them feel good. Feeling good and being built up helps build that self esteem. It makes you feel good about the work you have done. You begin to see that others see you as a valuable human being with self worth. Not just a fat person.
I have had a lot of people tell me lots of things. I have had people tell me, I'm doing great!, And that I really look great. I have had people tell me Im looking hot. *Blush* - Shh my wife will hear :)
Those mean a lot and they help build you up and make you feel like people really do care, but when someone takes a the time to make a deep emotional deposit in your self esteem bank it means a great deal more.
When someone says, "Im proud of you" and nothing more. They dont try and make it sound better than it is or play it down. Its just a heartfelt honest, "Im proud of you". Thats when it means the most!
If no one has ever said Im proud of you It is the most amazing feeling you could ever feel and the best compliment. When someone says that it makes you want to try harder and keep going. Is it possible that Im fat because I have low self esteem? Maybe but its also possible the other way. Either way Telling someone your proud of them is a good thing and it means a lot.

If your reading this and you feel that emotion because you can relate to this or you have been successful even just a little. Than let me tell you.
Im Proud of you! :)
I'm proud of the commitment you have and the success that you have achieved. Im proud of the hard work you have done and the goals that you have set.

Go now and tell someone else... Now, go tell them you're proud of them!
