Hi - I'm just starting out

tbd123 Posts: 1
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
:smile: Hey everyone out there in My Fitness Pal land. I am new to this website. A friend of mine found it and was nice enough to give me the information. I am just starting out for the gazillionith time trying to get rid of excess pounds. I really need to get serious as my Cardiologist is riding me big time. I am trying to keep a food diary this time so I can see what I am eating mindlessly. Hope to hear from some of you guys because I could sure use some diet buddies.


  • JoJo1953
    JoJo1953 Posts: 182 Member
    Welcome. I'm sending you a friend request.:flowerforyou:
  • I just started too, and it is suprising once you keep this diary how easy it is to see where you are going wrong. I have lost a little weight already so all is positive, have just given up smoking as well so losing some was great. Good luck.
  • I'm a newbie too. My sister-in-law was nice enough to share this with me. I hope to get fit and lose those
    nagging 10 lbs the holidays gave me. Keeping track with help me stay away from the snacks. :)
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