Letting people take away from YOU

What happens when we get in a new relationship, we forget about ourselves. We are all about that other person and we forget to take time for ourselves. We try so hard to make that other person happy and make sure they have everything they need and we never tend to our needs. That happened to me. I was on here everyday and lost over 30 pounds, then I found who I thought was my soulmate and made sure she was happy. Now, I'm left with me, myself, and I! And I've gained over half the weight I lost before I met her. It seems like I do that every time and I'm starting back at square one! But, at that moment, you are happy and complete and don't think about yourself. Then, when that moment comes that the other person wants to move on without you, all you have is yourself and you get in that depressed stage and think you aren't pretty, aren't good enough, too fat and go on that I don't give crap anymore binge! NOT THIS TIME! I was sad for a little while, but I won't let her stupid decisions bring me down! I was told I'm amazing and perfect and blah blah blah, but she thinks she just wasn't meant for me. Well, its time to take control of MY life, be happy and healthy and go on the cruise I've always wanted to take!!!! I'm single, independent, stable and soon to be setsy as hell!!! ;-) I can do this!!!!! AND WILL!!! Thanks for listening! I feel so much better and signing out with a smile on my face!


  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    Looking good is the best revenge :love: :laugh: Being about the other person only works when the other person is all about you. Hugs to you. Stay strong. You only have to look at what you have accomplished to know you are amazing!