Off Topic - Law Enforcement Deaths



  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Tighter gun laws will only prevent legit people from having them, not the criminals...after all they are criminals.

    As for the OP...this is really sad a scary my baby brother just graduated last year with a police forensics degree and is interviewing at some stations...and it terrifies me..I almost hope he doesn't get one, but that makes me sound horrible
  • Shamrock40
    Thanks everyone. Today was definitely a rough day for the LEO community across the country, as well as the individual communities where these crimes took place. It just makes me stop in my tracks every time I hear stories like these. It means someone's husband, Daddy, or brother isn't going home to their family. Absolutely my worst fear, and something that is a part of my daily life. I try to keep it as far from my mind as possible, but on days like today, it comes rushing to the forefront.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Double posted by accident, see below.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I think it was Jeff Katz who posted a link that in the last 24 hours there have been 11 LEO deaths and that people believe that LEOs are being targeted! Just awful!!!

    Here's one link

    "Authorities Fear Cops Being Targeted After at Least 11 Officers Shot in 24 Hours"
  • hjy319
    hjy319 Posts: 269 Member
    My thoughts and prayers go out the the Officer's and their families!
  • Gizmo52
    Gizmo52 Posts: 43
    My thoughts and prayers go out to the officers and their families as well.

    I live in Indianapolis, IN and we had an officer shot four times on Sunday. Twice in his face (chin and under eye, both came out the neck area) once in his chest (but he was wearing the vest) and I believe the last one in his leg. He has been in a coma and we are waiting to hear what the prognosis is.

    A couple of years ago we had another officer shot in the line of duty (thinking his was in the head as well), he survived but he has limited movement on one side of his body, some brain damage, but is working back on the force.

    It's amazing the dedication, loyality and love that these people show our country and we repay them with violence? Both were routine traffic stops and instead of complying with their requests, the citizens decide that using a piece of metal is the best choice.

    God bless and keep our law enforcement men and women safe from harm.
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I just found these stats & it is depressing - but also angers me.

    From Jan. 1st through the 25th nationwide:
    53 police officers/agents have been shot at;
    37 have been hit by gunfire;
    14 were in a 36-hour time frame;
    ...10 died (by gunfire);
    2 remain in critical condition

    These stats are real, not a joke. They were posted on a Law Enforcement Website that I am a member of.
  • Gizmo52
    Gizmo52 Posts: 43
    Rest in Peace David Moore.

    Police Office shot 4 times on Sunday, January 23, 2011. Passed away January 27, 2011 at 6:18 a.m.

    May his soul and the souls of the faithfully departed rest in peace amen.