Post Packer Syndrome

OK so now you are thinking to yourself what Post Packer Syndrome (aka P.P.S.) is. Let’s start by going down a check list of items to see if you have any of the following:

1) Big time fatigue or tiredness when you got up this morning
2) Sore throat
3) Sore leg muscles
4) Sore arm muscles
5) An upset stomach and sore body especially chest area
6) A headache mild or strong
7) Uncontrollable warm fuzzies running thru your body
8) The ability not to concentrate on anything important during the day but last night’s game
9) The feeling that you can concur the world right now
10) The feeling that you spent too much money yesterday and not feeling to bad about that

If you have any one or all of these points, yes you may have Post Packer Syndrome. Let me further define what P.P.S. is. According to Webster (well… not really) Post is defined as “after”. Packers well that one is obvious and syndrome is a disease, psychological disorder, or other abnormal condition physical and/or mental. So Post Packer Syndrome is a disease which is both physical and psychological in nature. It affects you the day after a great victory and can last up to a week.
For those that are grossly out of shape it will effect much worse than those that are not. The question you may have is how one gets this syndrome. The answer is by doing activity you are not accustomed to while watching the Packers play in a big game, such as last night. Now let me get more specific by asking you all some questions.
1) How many of you were sitting at the beginning of the game on the edge of your chair or couch and every time Green Bay ran the ball or threw the ball you got up and started running, physically or mentally, in place?
2) How many of you got up and down off your chair for the whole game every time Rodgers went back to pass or ran the ball himself?
3) How many of you jumped up every time the packers got a first down or scored or stopped Chicago on a drive?
4) How many of you kept getting up and running to the kitchen or where ever the food was to just take a few things back to your chair?
5) How many of you were lying on the floor and every time the Packers did something you would sit-up right and yell for them?
6) How many of you kept drinking alcoholic beverages and if someone asked you how many you had, you really couldn’t tell them?
7) How many times did you get up and run side to side giving people high fives and jumping to give them chest bumps?
8) How many people had their heart rate go up in the final few minutes of the game when if Green Bay did not stop them the game could have gone into extra time?
9) How many people began running around the house shouting as loud as they could once the time had expired and it was clear that Green Bay was going to the super bowl?
10) How many people could not sleep last night because you just were thinking of all those people you HAD to call?
Well if you did any or all of these and your body is sore it is because you did the following for a 3 hours period of time. You did some Running, Jumping, Squatting, Sit-ups, Cardio, Seated Squats and Crunches. Now you did this for 3 hours. You also ate too many calories and drank too many beverages. Now the question is, how can one not get this syndrome or at least lessen its effects? Well the answer is clear and obvious. Start working out months before the big games and continue throughout the season. Just look at the benefit you are giving your body by starting early and continuing until the end.
Well now you have two weeks to get yourself ready for the biggest game of the season. I would suggest going out and getting some running time in and some sit up’s and squats. I would suggest going to your local gym and working out on the weights. You want to do exercises that are anaerobic in nature and not just lift heavy. Good luck to you all and GO PACKERS!!!!!!!!


  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    LMAO! Sounds like me today!! Great post! :)
  • truedecember
    truedecember Posts: 151 Member
    Haha I LOVE this!!! I definitely have PPS!!! Still can't believe we're going to the SUPERBOWL, GO PACK!!!!
  • JenUB
    JenUB Posts: 84
    Go, Packers!