Wedding in 4 months... has anyone obtained their goal in tha

Supermanfan Posts: 3
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all! I've seen a few of those shows on T.V. where people lose up to 100 pounds in 3 months. Is that realistic? I have been trying to motivate myself to lose weight ever since my fiance proposed 8 months ago. I have some health issues, so my motivation comes and goes. I think I am finally to the point where I can do this. I have been exercising and dieting on and off for 3 weeks with some weak moments. But I have had 1 dietitian, 1 doctor, and many loved ones tell me I need to lose weight for better health. In the past few weeks, my system feels better, I am sleeping through the night and I have a little more energy. But this needs to be something I do every single day. 3 weeks ago, my weight was 216... now it is 211. My height is 5'10". I know that my wedding is going to be special because I will be marrying the love of my life with all my friends and family there to witness it. But it would also mean a lot to me if they could witness the transformation of my weight. I have always been skinny until a couple years ago when I put on 75 pounds because of a medication I was on. I know it's not realistic to be my old weight again... I just want to be healthy and feel more confident about myself and feel like I really accomplished something. My goal is to weigh 155. Please feel free to comment and let me know of your success including your height, weight, age and how long it took for you to lose the weight... I'm hoping this goal of mine isn't too much of a stretch. Thank you.


  • billylindsay
    billylindsay Posts: 102 Member
    i am never going to get back to my fighting 20 yr ago weight.

    i have lost 33 pounds since being on here, but have recently re-addressed my goals to something realistic and feel a lot better about it cos it is achieveable.

    good luck with your goals
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 385 Member
    I'm in week 4 and have lost 14.5 lbs. I don't think 100 lbs in 30 days is possible and definitely dangerous, but I think if you stick to it and change the way you eat and think about food you can be the most beautiful bride in the world! (Besides my daughter in June...hee hee hee) But really this is the place to be to get started and stay on task! God Bless!
  • lal73
    lal73 Posts: 116
    Hi....You CAN do it....and this website is the a VERY GOOD tool...Just think, calories in, calories out....Track what you eat a rate of 2lbs per week (this is a healthy weight loss program) you can loose 32lbs before your wedding!!!

    Excersize will speed the weight loss, and you dont have to KILL yourself either...Try the Wii Active or Wii fit for 30 minutes a day for the extra calorie burn

    Stay strong, and you CAN DO IT...
  • wildmamatiger
    wildmamatiger Posts: 37 Member
    From Jan to Apr of last year I lost 22 my dieting alone and no exercising. I am sure with dieting AND exercise you can do great in 3 months. I also think you will be pleased long before 155 lbs. I am tall also (6'0) and I will be thrilled at 185 and done losing altogether at 175. Good luck! I am sure you will do great, and I am here if you need support.
  • Thank you for the support and encouragement :-)
  • minni2906
    minni2906 Posts: 182
    100 lbs in 3 months is possible, but I don't think it's very healthy. That's basically what P90x's goal is though... Well, 90lbs in P90x... but still, you get the point.

    My goal is about the same as yours though. 150. Currently 201, started at 215. I am also 5'10". I don't by any means consider myself fat and obese, but I am larger than I'd like to be, and I know it's unhealthy in the long run. My wedding is in a little over 2 months, (Holy Crap!!) and I'd like to be 175 by then, but I don't see 25lbs in two months happening. I'll be happy with whatever though, because i know I'm marrying the love of my life and he loves the way I look, whether I am 215, 201, or 175!!!!

    Good luck to you!!
  • I am not saying that it it impossible to lose that kind or weight in that amount of time. But it will take a large effort on your part with both diet and exercise. Just try to do it safely. I can undertand that you want to show your loved ones an amazing transformation...I am getting married later this year and planned to do the same.

    However you decide to lose the weight, just remember one thing....

    Your friends, family, and especially the love of your life are happy to have you just the way you are. amazing transformation or not.

    We are all here for motivation and support when you need it though. So if you do your part, we will do ours!

    Feel free to add me when you need that "kick in the butt" pep talk...:happy:
  • How blessed you are! First, you aren't going for 100 lbs - only about 50 - which still might be a stretch - but if you only lose 1 lb/week, which is a safe goal loss (from what I've read - I'm no expert!) that is close to 16 lbs lighter - that is under 200. And you'll feel great and look great! And you'll be on your way to keep working towards your goal, even after your big day.

    I guess my point is not to have a goal that is unattainable, but to have smaller goals, and celebrate those goals. Give your self one day where you aren't counting calories and allow yourself an indulgence (this will help you manage your cravings). Try to excerisize 5 days/week - even if it is just walking. You can do this, but don't let it get in the way of your celebration of your upcoming wedding and of every day! Good luck!
  • I'm also getting married this summer, and I find that I keep saying "oh I have lots of time, I can have this chocolate bar/other junk, it's fine". But now my wedding is just around the corner, at the end of July! I used to be so much bigger than I am now, then I lost weight, and now I'm gaining it back again, it makes me feel a little bit worried about being at my goal in July! I want to lose 15 pounds before then! Good luck for your wedding, I'm sure you'll look amazing!
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