calories burnt

SweetToothFreak Posts: 28
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Do I have to eat all the calories that I am allowed even the ones that I have earned after exercising? I feel like I am eating sooooo much! Please give me some advise!! Thanks in advance!


  • Echoshill
    Echoshill Posts: 42 Member
    If you are new to working out, which I presume by your question you are, the answer is yes. Eat your calories that you are allotted. good foods.

    As time goes on, and you learn your body, you will learn when and what you can cut. For now, set your goal at about 1 to 1.5 pounds per week and eat the calories you are allowed to eat. If you don't, you will see big initial loss but your body will go in to starvation mode and LOCK YOU UP. In other words, your calorie intake will be so low that when (not if) you plateau you will leave yourself nowhere to go to cut calories to restart the loss. This is bad bad.

    More importantly, verify your calorie burn via a good Heart Rate monitor (I strongly recommend TIMEX) and a secondary site that uses a calculation based on Age/HR/Time/Weight. This is very important. If you over estimate your exercise burn you will think you have more calories available than what you do which will hose you.

  • I actually have been working out for a good couple of years now. I trained and ran my first 1/2 marathon last year. The thing is, I have never been a great eater. I have wrote down calorie intake before but not like this. What do you recomend for good foods? Like I said, NOT good at this at all!!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I usually eat part of them. Unless you are using a heart rate monitor or bodybugg/fitbit so you know exactly how many calories each exercise is burning, then it's all an estimate. So, I generally eat 40-50% of them and leave the rest as a cushion against errors.
  • crazymom4
    crazymom4 Posts: 102 Member
    im wuith 8u it seems likie alot of calories yesterday i burnt almost 1000 calories!!! althoiugh i ate super healthy i was so full it almost6 seemed wrong to eat that much.... i always thought u should listen to your body and stopp whenb your full!!! i got an app for my phone called spark recipes there is some amazing healthy recipes on it try it out we tried zucchini lasagna klast night it was to die for
  • Echoshill
    Echoshill Posts: 42 Member
    I actually have been working out for a good couple of years now. I trained and ran my first 1/2 marathon last year. The thing is, I have never been a great eater. I have wrote down calorie intake before but not like this. What do you recomend for good foods? Like I said, NOT good at this at all!!

    Oops on me re. your newness.

    Tuna, ground turkey (sub for ground beef), Chicken breast, white fish and steak. I eat baked potatoes (No butter, no salt, no sour cream), brown rice occasionally and all the green veggies you can stuff in your face. Pink grapefruit, almonds, apples and bananas occasionally. Light string cheese is good as well. Yogurts and crap like that is kind of empty. You eat it but you are hungry 20 min later so I save the cals for other things.

    Now, my cal out is 1200 to 1600 a day on 6 days a week. Combine that with a recommended intake of 1800 and yeah, I always feel like I am eating. But, for me, I feel that listening to yourself can be a bit of a trap. I have felt great only to hit a wall HARD a day or two after I had a huge deficient. But hey, whatever works for you because we are all different.
  • No need to appologize or feel bad. I never said I was or wasn't new at this. How are you to know! :smile:

    Thanks for all the great suggestions. I am going to check the sparks receipes for sure! I do have a pretty good excersice habit down now I really need to get the food part down! I am really trying. It's only been a little over a week so I know it will take some time. Thanks again to everyone!!!!
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