Looking for a little advice

NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
edited September 23 in Chit-Chat
Last night I was sending messages via facebook to the wives of some of my husband's friends. I'm wanting to plan an Easter egg hunt for the young kids and was wanting some feedback regarding who would be interested. As I was searching through my friends list I noticed one woman was missing. I searched for her page and we were in fact no longer friends. My first reaction was surprise at the fact that she had unfriended me. But then I thought maybe it could have been a mistake on my part, that maybe I accidentally unfriended her when I was getting rid of all my gaming contacts. So I went ahead and sent her the same message I sent everyone else. I got a terse reply from her today saying only, "We will be out of town."

Obviously, she doesn't want to be my friend. That in itself is not a big deal. Our husbands aren't close and they never have been. But what bothers me, and will continue to bother me, is the fact that there seems to be no reason behind this. I've never done anything to offend her, I've always been nice. The only thing I can think is that she doesn't approve of our differing political and religious views. Or, she doesn't like that I never comment on pictures of her daughter but comment on almost every picture that our mutual friends post of their new baby girl (less than 10 pics so far). I've also always gotten the impression that because had a natural birth and is still breastfeeding her almost 18 month old daughter she doesn't approve of my being induced and having a spinal block with my daughter, getting an epidural with my son, and not having breastfeeding work out with either of my kids.

Anyway, my question is whether or not I should ask her what happened. She's the one who friended me in the first place, it's not like I sent her the request and she approved it out of obligation. I don't post offensive or outrageous things on my page and neither do any of my friends. I just don't understand why she would suddenly unfriend me and be so cold in her response to my Easter invitation. I even made Christmas cookies and candies for her family (and our other friends)! I know I'll get over it eventually, but for right now it really bugs me.

So, should I ask her what her deal is, in a polite way of course, or should I just try to let it go?


  • bizybeemom
    bizybeemom Posts: 84 Member
    She may not have meant anything by her reply (it's easy to read inflectin into an typed reply). But I would tend to send her a personal message and ask directly (but I tend to just be direct with people). Or you could refriend her and send her a message saying that you must have accidentally unfriended her, see what she says or if she approves your request.
  • I would just ask her if there was something you did, or some way you might have offended her, that caused her to remove you from being friends. I'm one of those people who likes the honest approach. I might say, if there was something I did, if you told me what it was, it would give me the chance to explain in case it was a misunderstanding, or apologize if I offended you.

    If she doesn't respond one way or the other, she's not worth your time.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    It's facebook not real life, rememer.
    There could be lots of reasons, but I wouldn't waste time or energy on someone who is clearly not interested in socialising with you.
    Enjoy the actual friends you have and have fun getting ready for Easter!
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Let it go.
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