1st Weeks Result



  • SlimColin
    SlimColin Posts: 89
    I have been really struggling to head in the right direction the last month or so, however finally got my act in to gear and got back to my power walks and had a truly great day yesterday having seen my weight starting to come back down. Really chuffed :happy: to have got below 180 as I was 179.6 this morning and within a few pounds of my all time goal of 175 lbs! Dead chuffed just need to get some stomach toning exercises done now to get my waist down in size, and my little pouch removed. Thanks again to PP for putting up the challenges!
  • SlimColin
    SlimColin Posts: 89
    I have sinned. I have lost the will to loose weight, and am bingeing on chocolate, pasta, figs etc and not doing enough exercise, and going through a totally low point. Weighed in at 183 lbs this morning, which is almost 4lbs up on my alltime low of 189.2 from 3 weeks ago. I need to give myself a good shaking and tell myself that it will be worth it to loose the remaining 8 lbs!