Processed Foods???



  • ccsmiller
    ccsmiller Posts: 54 Member

    Instead of Ragu, Just use canned tomato sauce and/or canned crushed or diced tomatos and add seasonings like garlic powder and italian seasoning to taste. For sweetness you can add a grated carrot. I've done this for years and it's lots cheaper too. I usually get the salt free tomato sauce so I can control the sodium.
  • carmen62
    Garlic powder? Why not fresh garlic? Can't you get it where you are? Fresh garlic is a wonderful food and tastes so damned good!
  • NOLAdy
    NOLAdy Posts: 133 Member
    Don't know if this has already been mentioned because I skipped to the bottom but, a good rule is to eat things that don't require an ingredient label. Fruits, veggies, nuts, grains, eggs, meat (not deli/sandwich)... Than move on from there. Some things do require more than one ingredient, in that case read the label and the less the better.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    If you want to do some reading I highly recommend Michael Pollan's book "In Defence of Food".
    He talks about how a lot of the things that are marketed to us don't contain much actual food. I haven't read a Lean Cuisine label for a while but I'm guessing there may be a number of things there that I wouldn't put in my meals if I was cooking.
    His key rule is "eat food, not too much, mostly plants" which is great advice!