New here and looking for kettleworx buddy!

Hi Everyone,

I've just stumbled across this site whilst doing some research on kettleworx. I'm 32 and really keen on getting rid of the baby fat I have - been a tough 3 years as I've had 3 baby boys who are all under the age of 3 and my youngest is currently 6 months. It's great but at times its so f=draining and tiring being full time mum and housewife.

Anyway, enough of my complaints - I'm very motivated to lose 7 kg to get to my old weight. I am looking to get fit with someone and exchange info on tips and how its going.

Anyone interested then please reply and good luck with the weight loss.



  • sharbrns
    I just started this site myself, and so far I really like it. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • tina_h
    tina_h Posts: 22

    Just added you! - it's def cool I need to download it on my iphone to makesure I stay on top of this!

    Good luck and let's see if we can keep it up!