How long before muscle shows on the scale?

SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
This may be a silly question, and I realize there are a lot of variables in there, but...

I have about 50lbs or so to lose. I have been exercising every day since January 1st. I do a variety of different workouts, cardio and strength training, plus I am working through the Couch to 5K program so I have been running/walking a lot as well.

I am very motivated and have been working hard. In the first couple weeks I lost 8 lbs. Now I am noticing the number on the scale creep back up. I weighed in this morning at 3 lbs heavier than I was at my last "official" weigh in, which was just Saturday.

I'm the type of person who likes to have an in depth understanding of how these things work. I will feel better if I understand what's going on and know that I'm still heading in the right direction. Right now I am very frustrated. I have been watching what I eat and staying within my calories also, so I don't fully understand why I am gaining. Is this muscle? I want to believe it is, but I don't want to tell myself it is when its not and unintentionally sabotage my efforts!!

Can someone explain this to me?


  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    This may be a silly question, and I realize there are a lot of variables in there, but...

    I have about 50lbs or so to lose. I have been exercising every day since January 1st. I do a variety of different workouts, cardio and strength training, plus I am working through the Couch to 5K program so I have been running/walking a lot as well.

    I am very motivated and have been working hard. In the first couple weeks I lost 8 lbs. Now I am noticing the number on the scale creep back up. I weighed in this morning at 3 lbs heavier than I was at my last "official" weigh in, which was just Saturday.

    I'm the type of person who likes to have an in depth understanding of how these things work. I will feel better if I understand what's going on and know that I'm still heading in the right direction. Right now I am very frustrated. I have been watching what I eat and staying within my calories also, so I don't fully understand why I am gaining. Is this muscle? I want to believe it is, but I don't want to tell myself it is when its not and unintentionally sabotage my efforts!!

    Can someone explain this to me?

    No, it's not all muscle...maybe some but not 3 lbs. Chances are it's water weight. Make sure you're not in starvation mode either. You have to maintain above 50% of your maintenance calories to stay out of starvation mode.
    Keep up the good work. It will pay off.
  • JodiS75
    JodiS75 Posts: 284
    Another possibility.....TOM (THAT time)? Most women on here will tell you their weight creeps up around that time. Good news is it also creeps right back down afterwards!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Another possibility.....TOM (THAT time)? Most women on here will tell you their weight creeps up around that time. Good news is it also creeps right back down afterwards!

    The weird thing is that my weight drops right before my TOM. It's usually a pound or two lower than my lowest on every other day. Then TOM starts and the weight is back to what it usually is. No clue why.
  • 1harleygal
    1harleygal Posts: 226 Member
    :wink: Muscle does not weigh any more than your fat, a pound is a pound! As you will find out your weight may go up a couple of pounds due to water retention, that time of the month etc.. but it will go back down again in a week or two. Do not let this discourage you, the weight will keep coming off as long as you eat within your allowed calories plus eat some of your excercise calories! :wink:
  • Hi Sarah,

    My name is Peter and I saw your forum entry and thought I would reply.

    I did a little research because this question about muscle weight vs. fat weight has bugged me, as well. The link and
    article below contains some reasoned thinking about this subject. The link is for Ask the Personal Trainer.

    I hope this helps.

    Good luck and best regards,

  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    Thanks for all the responses.

    I'm not close enough to that TOM for it to be that, and I am eating enough calories, I think. What would cause water weight and is it possible to keep that under control? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Or neutral?!?!

    I know that muscle doesn't weigh more. Its like that riddle... what weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?? Neither, they're both a pound. However, muscle is good acceptable weight, and it's denser so it takes up less space. So if you are exercising and building muscle you could be losing fat and getting thinner and not notice a difference in your weight. I'm interested in how you determine whether that is what is happening or not. My pants feel looser, however... 8 lbs came off quick enough that even with a 3 lb gain they will still feel looser.

    Thanks for the link Peter. I'll have to look at it when I get home. Typing on my phone right now. :)
  • alliecore
    alliecore Posts: 446 Member
    Are you tracking your measurements as well as weight loss? It is possible to lose inches without losing much weight. Also, are you tracking your sodium intake? Too much sodium will result in water retention. Good luck!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    If clothes are getting smaller and measurements are decreasing but the scale is not moving or reading a higher number, that's muscle gain.

  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    Sodium! I just started tracking that, but have not yet reached the point of trying to control it yet.

    I'm almost scared to take measurements, but maybe it is I need in order to actually see progress.
  • alliecore
    alliecore Posts: 446 Member
    Sodium! I just started tracking that, but have not yet reached the point of trying to control it yet.

    I'm almost scared to take measurements, but maybe it is I need in order to actually see progress.
    Measurements rock! It is so awesome to see the numbers go down. It's also a better indicator of progress, because measurements won't fluctuate as much as the scale. I would def encourage you to get out the tape measure and track. You'll be glad you did! :smile:
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    Sodium! I just started tracking that, but have not yet reached the point of trying to control it yet.

    I'm almost scared to take measurements, but maybe it is I need in order to actually see progress.
    Measurements rock! It is so awesome to see the numbers go down. It's also a better indicator of progress, because measurements won't fluctuate as much as the scale. I would def encourage you to get out the tape measure and track. You'll be glad you did! :smile:

    I'll see if I can find my tape measure and start tonight after work. Then every Saturday when I weigh in I'll just have to remember to measure too. Thanks!

    What part of Florida are you coming to, btw?
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    I was just at my weekly wellness meeting with two trainers and they talked a lot about changing up your workouts because after 2- 3 weeks your body gets used to it. They also talked about interval and circuit training as a good way to burn fat.
  • you cant really answer this question..... you can figure it out by getting your body fat % done..... you can buy a fat loss monitor atr GNC for around 40bucks of borrow one from your local gym. ask a personal trainer, im sure they have one in the office.

    now lets say on monday you weight yourself and you're 230 and you have a 23% body fat... and next monday you do it again.... it still says you 230.. but then you test your body fat % and its a 22% instead of a 23%.... which means you did make progress after all! I recommend purchising one of these to use once a week... perfect for people who lift. besides, its your bodyfat % is what matters. not so much what the number on the scale reads;-)
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I saw you do strength training which causes muscles to retain water in recovery mode...not sure that this is what's going on but could be a part of the puzzle! Good luck! Just keep doing what you're doing and it will all catch up!
  • alliecore
    alliecore Posts: 446 Member
    Jacksonville area.....I think! lol! We've always done Myrtle Beach in the past but we wanted to try Florida this year. :)
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    I change up my workout routine just because I get bored if I don't! Good to know it has more of a benefit than just avoiding boredom!

    I had no idea that you could get a fat loss monitor for that reasonable of a price. Actually, I didn't even know that you could buy such a thing! I'm going to have to do some research on that, thanks!

    If you're going to the Jacksonville area, you should check out St. Augustine. It's a nice area, I love it there and have gone for long weekends a few times.
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    I could be blind but I didn't see it mentioned, are you eating your exercise calories? If not you should be.
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    I could be blind but I didn't see it mentioned, are you eating your exercise calories? If not you should be.

    I try to, but I don't always manage to. I exercise in the evening, and I find myself looking at that number at the end of the day sometimes wondering if I'll be able to eat them or not. But I don't want to eat more earlier in the day planning to work it off, just in case something comes up. I'm not avoiding eating them, though, that's for sure!
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    I could be blind but I didn't see it mentioned, are you eating your exercise calories? If not you should be.

    I try to, but I don't always manage to. I exercise in the evening, and I find myself looking at that number at the end of the day sometimes wondering if I'll be able to eat them or not. But I don't want to eat more earlier in the day planning to work it off, just in case something comes up. I'm not avoiding eating them, though, that's for sure!

    Do you spread your meals throughout the day? And if something comes up, it doesn't change the fact that you have to see this as a lifestyle change and you have to commit to it. I'm a dad with busy as hell kids. Things come up all the time. I know it's hard, but you have to make time.
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    I could be blind but I didn't see it mentioned, are you eating your exercise calories? If not you should be.

    I try to, but I don't always manage to. I exercise in the evening, and I find myself looking at that number at the end of the day sometimes wondering if I'll be able to eat them or not. But I don't want to eat more earlier in the day planning to work it off, just in case something comes up. I'm not avoiding eating them, though, that's for sure!

    Do you spread your meals throughout the day? And if something comes up, it doesn't change the fact that you have to see this as a lifestyle change and you have to commit to it. I'm a dad with busy as hell kids. Things come up all the time. I know it's hard, but you have to make time.

    I get the lifestyle change thing, and mostly I make time. I am not looking for general tips, I'm looking for specific information regarding how fast muscle actually builds up, how you can tell if what you're seeing on the scale is muscle, fat, water retention, what sorts of fluctuations in weight are normal and expected, etc.

    Tape measure, body fat monitors, sodium... those are all good information regarding what makes the scale fluctuate like that. And as of this morning, I'm back down 2 pounds, so I'm not obsessing over it.

    I'm not complaining about it being hard, I'm looking for more detailed info.
    I'm not a slacker. Sometimes things come up that make it impossible to fit in a workout, though. That's life.
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