time spent exercising?

Hi, I have been on MFP for a few weeks now and have lost 5 lbs. I have been trying to workout about 5 days per week, and do pretty well staying under my calories most of the time. My question is for those that have advice on how much I should be exercising per workout to lose weight, or how many calories I should be burning? I just want to see if I am doing enough to get into shape. Thanks for any advice on this!


  • fit4lifeministries
    There are so many ways to answer this question based on how much you normally exercise (ie. just beginning), current fitness level, etc. But if you are eating balanced meals throughout the day and taking in plenty of protein and green vegetables, then a nice moderate workout routine can be done in about 45 minutes of circuit training. 10 minutes of warm-up cardio (and stretching), 20 minutes of circuit cardio training with weights, and then 10 minutes of moderate cardio and cooldown. This is a very general and basic answer to your question - not knowing your current level, etc - but it might give you an idea of what is possible. The big thing is to remember to include cardio, strength and flexibility training throughout your week.
  • SpazyK
    SpazyK Posts: 17
    It sounds like you aren't 'eating' the calories you burn during exercise, which will always help you loose weight faster. If you're working out 5 days a week, you're probably doing a good amount. Not sure exactly what you're doing during your workout, but adding some strength training in there will help you build muscle, burn fat and tone your body. My advice is to keep doing what you're doing - you'll see results, just be patient and keep at it!
  • shannonmh1981
    I probably should of been a bit more descriptive. Im 5'9 and weigh 181. I do most workouts on my treadmill, for about 40 mins and burn at least 300 calories. I cant really use any weights because of a torn rotary cuff, but I want to as soon as my shoulder heals. My goal is to at least get down to 160, and just be more fit. Thank you for any advice on this!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I'm puzzled how anyone can answer this without knowing what exercise you actually do?

    Obviously for the same time spent, running burns more than yoga, spinning burns more than pilates etc. Then it depends on the effort put in... e.g.6 minute miling will burn more calories than 10 minute miling etc.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I probably should of been a bit more descriptive. Im 5'9 and weigh 181. I do most workouts on my treadmill, for about 40 mins and burn at least 300 calories.

    A very very rough estimate if you're averaging 10-minute miling is 100 calories per mile, but that depends hugely on body weight i.e.a heavier person would burn more than a lighter one.
  • mkrafick
    If you are doing treadmill only, I'll relay a tidbit I learned and corrected.

    If you are "going hard", keeping your heart rate way up building a good sweat quikcly, you are crossing over from "Fat Burn" to "Cardio". In there you start burning fat AND muscle. If you want to target fat only, lower your heart rate (for example mine is in the 120's) and go longer (say 45-60min). Doesn't seem to be like you are doing much, but you would be suprised how worn your legs feel and the slight sweat you built.

    If you do keep up a quick place, drink a protien drink after you are done to help your muscles repair.

    As for me, I spend an hour at the gym 3x a week - 5min warm up, 30m weights, 25m cardio, 5 mi cool down. If I can sneak a extra day of just a easy walk, etc - I do.

    Your rotator cuff may be out of comission, but have you thought of weights on your ankles, or of crunches on a exercise ball, etc? Building muscle anywhere on your body is only going to increase your calorie burn over the long haul.

    Good luck!
  • shannonmh1981
    Thanks for your help. Today instead of spending 45 mins just on the treadmill, I did 30 min but also did about 15 of strength training. Take care!
  • mkrafick
    Good job!