Is it just me?

flipnsexy Posts: 37
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Hey everyone. I've been on this site for about a week & a half but have been on this journey since January 1st. I'm just wondering if anyone else is experiencing what I am with their food intake! I was one to eat whatever, whenever & probably consumed 2000+ calories a day (obviously not taking care of myself & could've probably Still ate MORE!! What a pig I was) to having a limit of 1200 calories which I thought was going to be hard to stick too & wasn't worried about upping that to 1500 calories. Now what I'm finding with me making better food choices & counting calories and eatting on an actual schedule where I am eatting about every 3 hours, that I'm having a hard time getting to 1200 calories because I am actually FULL! I still eat the 1200 calories & then some to make up for my workouts but just find it wierd to go from 2000+ calories and stopping myself from eating more to trying to find those fillers to get the calories in just to cover 1200. Never did I think I'd come to this day. I hope this all makes sense haha. Is anyone else experiencing this??


  • HRgoldenlife
    HRgoldenlife Posts: 53 Member
    did you gorge before, like pile it on during each meal? honestly, your body gets used to how you treat it. eating healthier, less food, good patterns (every 2-3 hours), your body is getting used to that. Keep it up!

    when you ate a lot before, you were not paying attention to queues either probably, like ok, I really am full. You may have been overeating
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Pre-journey I was a binge eater/food addict and would easily eat 3,000 or more calories a day. When I was at my heaviest and stopped eating for any reason other than true hunger, I ate VERY little in comparison. As my lean body mass increased, my appetite increased. I'm eating more NOW than I was at the start of my journey.

    So, yes, this happened to me, too :)

  • alisons7598
    alisons7598 Posts: 162 Member
    You aren't the only one. Most days I don't eat most of my exercise calories because I can't even imagine eating anymore. I'm usually around 12-1400 and call it good. Hard to believe that I could go to Mcdonald's for lunch get a huge meal. eat it all and then munch on my husbands or kids meals and still want more. And that was just ONE meal that day. Amazing how much this has changed me for the better:)
  • scd78
    scd78 Posts: 77 Member
    I know what you mean! I don't even want to think about how much I was consuming before. Now, I am not grabbing for snacks! I am full throughout the day, I actually have energy, and I am tired at bedtime.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    Yes, me too. It's a real education tracking your food b/c you can see what a difference it makes in choosing healthier foods. I am not a perfect eater, but I am eating more vegetables cooked and in salads, and fruits, and these will fill you up in a low calorie way.
    I have a salad with lunch not every day, but almost! And it helps me to keep that end of the day total down.

    Good luck as you continue on :flowerforyou:

    P.S. I edited to say "with" lunch, not "for" lunch. I usually have something to go with it (protein, e.g.)
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I think it depends on you you were eating before. I can eat the same foods but homemade (like a burger and fries) and only be eating 1/4 the calories. A value meal from McDonalds (excluding soda) is my whole days worth of calories...its depressing.

    I have some days where I'm way under (usually when I eat a lot of salad)...but for the most part I still struggle staying under my 1400 lol.
  • I know what you mean. When I plan healthy meals and pay attention to what I eat, I have a hard time getting to 1250 calories and no trouble at all staying within limit.

    Then I'll have a binge day and revert to my old ways... half a pizza, 3 or 4 beers, Chipotle, or a big hamburger... it's amazing how quickly eating like that adds up to 2000+ calories! O_O Tracking it the next day is a huge eye opener. No wonder I put on weight!
  • Yes, that is me too. But most often, I am getting more protein and sugars and less calories. I start with a slim fast some days and quickly eat more than my sugar with just an apple or some other fruit. What should I do? :ohwell:
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Yup!!! I'm that way too. It's the better choices we make. You get a lot more food for less calories.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Weird isn't it? It works for me though!
  • Well glad to know I'm not alone lol.. but I'm sure lovin' it :)
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