30 Day Shred

Hi my name is Rachel & I am 30 years old & have a 5 month old son. I started the 30 Day SHred 3 weeks ago & have lost 9 lbs so far. I now have 11 more lbs to go. I plan to do Jillian's other dvd's when I'm finished w/this one. After I lose my 20lbs total, I plan to continue to track my calories & exercise everyday. I just want to feel sexy again infront of my husband (even though he tells me I already am LOL) & be a good example to my son & future children. If you've been doing 30 DS, I'd love to hear how it's going or maybe even your success story. I'm also looking for friends to help give me motivation & advice. There's still so much to learn but I'm loving it & finally feeling good about myself again :smile:


  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm 25, and i'm a wife and mother of 2 year old twin boys. I started the 30 day shred 19 days ago (today is my 19th day in a row) and so far i've lost 3lbs. I started here in August of 2010 and i've lost 35.2lbs since then. I'm working on the last 10lbs :) After 30DS im heading into her 30 day slimdown program and i'm looking forward to shedding this last bit of weight :)
  • CiCiSlim
    I'm doing the 30 day shred but I'm only on day 3. I'm looking forward to having huge successes! Good luck to you as well and keep up the great work!
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    I own the 30 day shred and I have only done it a few times.. It is one heck of a work out.. I am going to start TODAY! I don't think I will have time EVERY day for 30 days, but I am going to try every other day! So it might take me 60 days, but I just joined a new challenge called "10 lb Challenge" and I think it will help me.

    Good job on the 9lbs! I bet you feel great! What is the other DVD?

    I am tagging your thread so I can see what others have to say about their experience and successes :)
  • momof3babes
    I absolutely love the 30 day shred. I have a 4, 21/2 and 1 year old and the quick workouts are intense and I feel like I get so much out of it. I have lost 6 lbs since starting January 5th. One question: do you guys shred 7 days in a week or take breaks throughout the week?
  • rache12581
    Jitterspork, besides the 30ds, I also have the : 30 ds w/weights, 6 pack abs in 6 weeks, yoga melt down, banish fat boost metabolism, no more trouble zones, & her kickboxing dvd.

    momof3babes, I try to shred 7 days a week but in the last 3 weeks I missed 2 days