hunger pains!!!

HotSouthernMess Posts: 474 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
yesterday was not the best day for me. despite my best efforts, i could not make myself FULL! i chugged water, distracted myself by reading a book, watching a movie, playing with the kids and it got painfully worse through the day. at one point my daughter told me my stomach was being too loud! (it was growling) so...i ended up going 393 calories over my daily allowance. i did not eat unhealthy, just basically ate 2 lunches. does this happen to anyone else? i had planned on doing a heavy workout after the kids went to bed to try and balance it a little but was so tired by then that i fell asleep too. so, yesterday was a small set back, but happy to be here for today is a new day :-)


  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    Dont look at it as a setback. 393 calories doesn't even come close to making you gain a pound! Sometimes it's good to go over you calories, to keep your body guessing. I have been stuck on my plateau for almost 2 weeks, and I went over my calories for 2 days last weekend and today the scale went down for the first time in a while. You can do this. That was yesterday. Today is a new day!
  • I have the same problem sometimes. I've found that green bell peppers satisfy my cravings for cruncy, cold, sweet and wet all at the same time. I also find that I stay remarkably full after eating it. I keep them cold and just slice one up. I bring it to work for when I hear the guys crunching potato chips.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    s, that's happened to me from time to time. As long as your not doing that everyday. Did you get a workout in earlier in the day? If not, make sure and do something today! Also remember to get lots of proteina nd fiber. It helps keep you full longer.
  • eamartin
    eamartin Posts: 216 Member
    I would try more fiber & protein to stay fuller, longer :) Plus, going over once in a while is OKAY! :)
  • Sorry to hear you had a difficult day yesterday. I go through this on the 2 days I don't work out. I find that if I eat more protein than carbs, I'm not as hungry. So I eat an ounce of raw, unsalted almonds (approximately 22 almonds) amd low fat cottage cheese with raw veggies. You may want to keep chicken breats on hand (3 to 4 ounces each) and munch on's something I'm thinking of doing.

    I hope you are having a better day today.
  • jay586
    jay586 Posts: 133
    i havent went over my daily yet but the hunger pains are bad and loud it like am having withdraws lol
  • Kiyy
    Kiyy Posts: 91 Member
    Oh YES!!!
    Some days I am like that. the other day I didn't eat a thing till 1:00 pm and i was famished. When I finally eat; I eat everything in sight. I I eat almost all my calories in that meal. I better start making better choices. so now I'm looking for lower calories in the foods and trying to get good healthy foods as well. I think I need more low cal healthy snack Ideas. The only good snack I know of is Popcorn.

    Recently, I heard my exercise teacher talking about this. he was saying that some times you may not feel satisfied when you are loosing weight. I guess thats one of the things that have to change in us. I'm not use to being Hungary I usually just eat. Is that why I'm overweight ?
    Last night I used all my calories up and I kept thinking about going to eat more. I knew I wasn't Hungary. I just wanted to eat. I actually didn't do it because of what the exercise teacher said.
    A small success
  • I am having hunger pains right now. This week seem much tougher than last. I will try to have a good day. I know I at least got a great workout in. Hope you have a better day.
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    If I have eaten a decent amount then I will try some gum. It usually works well for me.
  • HotSouthernMess
    HotSouthernMess Posts: 474 Member
    thanks for all the encouragement/advice! i woke up this morning at 6 and didnt even eat until 930 (guess i was still full from yesterday! lol) i had an awesome workout just now while the kids were napping, and i feel great :-) anyone else in this situation, just read the replies left on here by others. today is a new day and going a little over every once in a while is OK!!!
  • HotSouthernMess
    HotSouthernMess Posts: 474 Member
    not a bad idea, i will try that
  • HotSouthernMess
    HotSouthernMess Posts: 474 Member
    i love raw bell peppers and cucumbers! will have to pick some up, for sure! thanks for the help
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