need help: figure/bikini competition

Has anyone out there done (or going to do) a figure competition or a bikini competition? I would really like to try doing this, but I have no one to ask questions and I really need guidance. I don't know if I should try to do a bikini competition or a novice figure competition or what. I'm not sure how long it takes to prepare for these either. Can anyone guide me? Thanks :)


  • JJMS
    JJMS Posts: 42 Member
    Yes I am also working towards competing in Figure, however my trainer wants me to start with Bikini and work my way to figure. The best place to learn and get answers is set up a bodyspace profile at it is an absolute wonderful source of info for everything! Good luck with your goals!
  • egifford
    Awesome! Yes, I figured that I would start out with bikini and see how it goes and maybe try to do a figure next year. I heard it takes about a year to get ready for the figure competitions. Thank you so much for that website! Good luck to you too!:happy:
  • mrsbritton84
    I am also training for my first figure competition. My trainer wants me to shoot for figure and if we feel that im not "figure ready" then ill enter bikini. You should set your goal as high as possible because you always have a plan B....

    Good Luck!!
  • JJMS
    JJMS Posts: 42 Member
    MrsB, good luck with all of your goals, when is your competition?