Getting married 11/11/11.

I just found out about this website from my cousin Dominique. She has only been on it a week and has already lost 4 pounds. I figured there is nothing to lose but weight, right?

I would love to be down at least 50 lbs by my wedding (but would love to lose more...50 will make me happy by that time I think) I succeeded at losing weight and working out once before and hopefully I will stick with it again. I also realize that I can not always base my progress on pounds lost as I am built like a linebacker and often gain muscle much quicker then lose fat, but I know that I can look good at a number like 165lbs. I know it is not going to be easy, but hopefully it stays fun and I don't get bored and give up.

I have recently started my Wii Fit and Biggest Loser game feeling on some days that it works and on other days it is just a joke. Hopefully some type of results will show this time next week to prove me otherwise. I will also be attending a workout class on Tuesdays and Thursdays and trying Zumba for the first time tomorrow. If all of the steps I am taking now have no results, I might seriously consider wiring my jaw shut. LoL