Xbox 360 Kinect workout



  • heidibowling
    heidibowling Posts: 35 Member
    I really don't know anything about all the other Kinect games, because I just can not stop playing Dance Central! :) It is so much fun, definitely better than driving to the gym and staring into space on an elliptical machine or something- blah! I have a two year old who keeps me busy all day long, so I have VERY little time to myself to really get a good work out, but Dance Central is perfect! Once she goes to bed in the evenings I hop on and try to do at least 20 minutes of Dance Central, but usually just keep going to perfect my skills and get all five gold stars on every song. Plus I love the Song Challenges- they are like little mixes of all the songs so it's even more random and fun. We got the game shortly after Christmas and I've already beaten it technically, but there is still so much to do, and even when I have all five gold stars on every song, and every single thing unlocked, I know I'll still want to play because I just love to dance! I haven't even bothered with buying new songs yet- although maybe that will be my treat for myself once I make it to my 10 lb. weight loss goal. I've already lost weight just eating right and doing 20-60 minutes of Dance Central (depending on the day- I stay up later on the weekends)and I just started on MFP a week ago- oh yeah, that means today is my one-week anniversary! I highly reccomend this game to anyone who enjoys dancing as excercise. My husband loves it too, my 11 year old son loves it, and my two year old daughter tries her best to do the motions too (although she's so small the kinect has trouble finding her). I play it with my family, my friends, and by my self all the time. Haven't met a person yet who doesn't want to come back and play it again!