i lost 5lbs this week...

Hey guys!

I busted that 5 lbs that i just couldn't move! in a week!

The bad news is that i worked really really hard for it.

Here's my fitness routine:
mon - 30 min walk / 30 mins lower body weights
tue - 30 min walk / 30 mins upper body
wed - 45 mins cardio
then repeat for thursday friday and saturday.. sunday is rest

keep in mind that i am above average fitness.... don't try this your first week in the gym!

For my food i cut out most bread and pasta.. if it doesnt grow, swim, fly or moo i'm not eating it :)

typically i am getting about 1200-1500 cals a day, and i'm actually really full, and can't eat as much as i used to, something to do with eating after exercise.

Anyways, I always wanted to know exactly what other people do to lose weight... so there it is!

Also, i use a lot of visualisation.. i don't look in mirrors that make me look chubby. Instead of saying "i'm trying to lose weight" i say " i want to achieve 19% body fat or better"... and i regularly say "my metabolism is firing and i can eat whatever i want"

i don't know if this works for other people... but good luck to anyone who needs to lose a few pounds!


  • zoeinthecity
    Hey guys!

    I busted that 5 lbs that i just couldn't move! in a week!

    The bad news is that i worked really really hard for it.

    Here's my fitness routine:
    mon - 30 min walk / 30 mins lower body weights
    tue - 30 min walk / 30 mins upper body
    wed - 45 mins cardio
    then repeat for thursday friday and saturday.. sunday is rest

    keep in mind that i am above average fitness.... don't try this your first week in the gym!

    For my food i cut out most bread and pasta.. if it doesnt grow, swim, fly or moo i'm not eating it :)

    typically i am getting about 1200-1500 cals a day, and i'm actually really full, and can't eat as much as i used to, something to do with eating after exercise.

    Anyways, I always wanted to know exactly what other people do to lose weight... so there it is!

    Also, i use a lot of visualisation.. i don't look in mirrors that make me look chubby. Instead of saying "i'm trying to lose weight" i say " i want to achieve 19% body fat or better"... and i regularly say "my metabolism is firing and i can eat whatever i want"

    i don't know if this works for other people... but good luck to anyone who needs to lose a few pounds!
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    Well, here's an example of what I do and I can't seem to bust the weight plateau very well - every time I think, yes maybe now.... nope.
    Average week:
    Monday: Elliptical interval 20min upright bike/20min mod pace - circuit train 25min
    Tuesday: walk on treadmill/incline vary 1% to 6%/4.0 - 4.3 pace 25 min /circuit train 25 min
    Wednesday: bike 45 min/circuit traing 25
    Thursday: Run 25 mins 5.8-6.4 interval training/25 min circuit
    Friday: Bike low speed-60 min no circuit
    Today - prob walk w/ incline 20/bike 20 then circuit 25
    Sunday - rest

    So, what gives? I mix up my cardio, I mix up my pace, I eat varied foods, I eat my calories as it says - only went over once this week by 80 calories.. not trying to lose quickly but, would like to lose. Food varies from 1400-1900 depending one day and exercise. HELP!
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Others will weigh in but my thoughts are that both of you are not eating enough.

    Both of you have very little to loss and should not be on a 1200 calorie a day diet.

    ZOE--congrats on the loss! Just remember with that amount of exercise, you need to eat those exercise calories. You are in danger of starving your body at that rate. Sorry--don't take this wrong--but you need to eat more. Your body needs fuel or it will shut down and with how much you are exercising, you need more food. You lost a lot in one week for someone your size, and all I'm trying to say is just be careful. You could put your body into starvation mode with that level of activity and low level of caloric intake.

    TNT--try eating more! Again, you don't have that much to lose and you're eating too little. You should be shooting for 1 pound loss a week, which means you need to up your daily basic intake by at least 500--I'm guessing at that because I don't know your activity level. But I suggest upping your intake and taking the loss at a slower rate when it come. AND, make sure to eat your exercise calories!
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    I agree with Shoerider b/c I was on another site before I started MFP. On the other site, I was eating a lot more calories and losing a lot more weight. Ever since I started MFP and 1200 calories, I have seen either a small loss per week or none at all. Today, I am changing my goals to 1 pound a week to see if I go back to eating more if I will continue to lose a lot more.
  • FatDancer
    FatDancer Posts: 812 Member
    That's great...I'm happy for you!
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    Alright, I already feel like I eat a ton, but I do try to eat a lot of veggies and such. I will try increasing my food intake (a little) and be satisfied with a gradual weight loss. I guess I just needed to hear some one else besides my inner voice.
    I'll let you know how it goes.
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    I'll let you know if I start losing a lot again.
  • maverickyanda
    maverickyanda Posts: 422 Member
    Good job!

    Generally when you are at a stalemate from losing weight you do need to up your routine.

    GOOD JOB!!!!