How can you not eat enough?



  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    One more thing. I had to adjust my thinking....I NEVER feel "full" - my body doesn't have an off switch. I've had to learn to stop when I'm "not hungry." Its a complete change in thought and really hard to change.
  • MrX8503
    MrX8503 Posts: 67
    Yeah I don't get it either. I could eat 4000 calories daily if I wanted to.
  • glittersoul
    I used to drink a ton of soda, about 400 to 1000 calories of it a day! So maybe some people were used to drinking instead of eating. lol
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    I am one of those people that cant eat enough calories in a day.

    I find that the foods that I eat are really low in carbs and when the carbs are lower I still feel full but I don't usually meet my calorie goal. I have basically taken all carbs out except for natural carbs and I dont eat bread or pasta anymore. These foods tend to be lower in calories than what I used to eat and it is harder for me to eat everything in a day. I plan out my whole day's food intake the night before and still I can't seem to get them all in. This week i have added some blanched cashews/almonds to my food allowance to boost up my calories a little. I drink over 8 glasses of water a day so that isnt an issue either. I am sorry that you aren't full from your food allowance but I can honestly say I am glad that I don't struggle with that!
  • Nthomas11
    Nthomas11 Posts: 4 Member
    I agree!
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    i used to eat probably 2000 calories a day, but now that i'm eating healthy i actually find myself striving to meet 1500. and i eat A TON. i eat every two hours, and i still have to have a pretty big snack before i go to bed. but really, look at my diary. i eat a ridiculous amount of food.
    Ieat about 2000 Calories a day but I usually burn 1100 - 1300 each day so usually have some extra cals. I also eat every couple of hours. If I don't eat as much ss I do I find myself binging the next day, like my body is trying to make up for the deficit the next day. Sometimes I feel like I eat constantly but I am finally starting to lose the last 15.