I'm new here

jamben Posts: 22 Member
I have met my goal weight on ww (member since 1/10) last 4 weks, yikes! have gained 4-5 lbs. need help, don't know whats going on. Found this great website on cafemom...looking forward to be involved.


  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Welcome. Did you stop WW when you gained those 4 - 5 lbs? I imagine hitting your goal weight probably felt great enough to stop, then you went back to old habits, possibly? I was on the NS diabetic plan for a while. As it was helping me figure out portion control, I noticed that my supplementary foods along with the meals seemed a lot healthier as they were lower in sodium and fat, and higher in fiber, and a lot of times lower in calories. I ended up cancelling my meal plan because I was able to create my own food plan which has helped me to keep losing weight, in lieu of the meals that ended up piling up in the boxes they came in because they were unused.

    If anything, my suggestion would be to figure out what made you gain weight, then post what sort of help you need, whether it be cooking your own food, any physical activities that you can include, what your target caloric intake range should be, etc. The community here is very supportive.