"Taco Bell meat not actually meat..."


Posted at 12:55 PM ET, 01/25/2011

Taco Bell meat not actually meat, law firm says (and if you've ever eaten it, you already knew that)
By Melissa Bell

(Ric Francis/AP)
Ah, that sweet, delightful Taco Bell meat ... stuff. An Alabama law firm has decided to sue Taco Bell for false advertising when advertisements say their food has beef. Taco Bell uses a "taco meat filling" made up of a whole slew of chemicals and starches and powders and only 36 percent of beef.

Gizmodo reports:

The USDA says that any food labeled as "meat taco filling" should at least have 40% fresh meat. According to the Alabama law firm, their stuff only has 36% meat. Perhaps they should call it Almost Taco Meat Filling.

Taco Bell categorically denies the lawsuit, saying in a statement:

At Taco Bell, we buy our beef from the same trusted brands you find in the supermarket, like Tyson Foods. We start with 100 percent USDA-inspected beef. Then we simmer it in our proprietary blend of seasonings and spices to give our seasoned beef its signature Taco Bell taste and texture. We are proud of the quality of our beef and identify all the seasoning and spice ingredients on our website. Unfortunately, the lawyers in this case elected to sue first and ask questions later -- and got their "facts" absolutely wrong. We plan to take legal action for the false statements being made about our food.
As a onetime eater of Taco Bell food products, I can categorically state that if you've ever had any Taco Bell food product, this news is wholly unsurprising. Delicious? Yes. Real food? No. It's just a tiny fib we diners of Taco Bell tell ourselves to make us feel slightly less ashamed that we're addicted to meat paste. Or almost meat paste. Who's hungry?

By Melissa Bell | January 25, 2011; 12:55 PM ET

For all of you dieters who still treat yourself to the occasional taco or fast food meal...think twice about the real health effects it may have on you...


  • stargzrlily
    stargzrlily Posts: 83 Member
    I've ate there once in my life and it was gross. I don't understand why people think it's so good.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    People are so sue happy aren't they. If you don't like it don't eat there, problem solved! Remember when McDonald's was caught with Kangaroo meat on their delivery trucks - or when Jack in the Box gave everyone E-coli. No one ever said fast food was good for us.