Open letter con't



  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Dear Dumb Guys Who Keep Overlooking Me,

    When are some of you going to realize that I'M AWESOME and scoop me up? I might not look like a supermodel, but I bet I'd treat you a hell of a lot better than one would! I mean, I really am awesome. :laugh: I'm funny, smart, cute, nice, loyal, cute, funny, low maintenance, independent, and did I mention funny and cute? :laugh:

    Get with the program here, guys! Here I am, come and get me! :drinker:

    Miss Awesome
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Dear Dumb Guys Who Keep Overlooking Me,

    When are some of you going to realize that I'M AWESOME and scoop me up? I might not look like a supermodel, but I bet I'd treat you a hell of a lot better than one would! I mean, I really am awesome. :laugh: I'm funny, smart, cute, nice, loyal, cute, funny, low maintenance, independent, and did I mention funny and cute? :laugh:

    Get with the program here, guys! Here I am, come and get me! :drinker:

    Miss Awesome

    oh honey, you sound just like me...I kept getting dumped because I was to independent, and I wasn`t needy enough. The thing is, look for a guy that`s already had the psycho girlfriend, and is now looking for someone a lot less dramatic lol...I found one, so I know they`re out you know the song "can't make a hoe a housewife" by snoop dog? that's my can be a hoe, just present yourself as a housewife lol Once guys realize that crazy, fun and beautiful isn't all it's cracked up to be, they'll be pounding your door down...or get proactive like I did and date off the internet lol good luck!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Dear Dumb Guys Who Keep Overlooking Me,

    When are some of you going to realize that I'M AWESOME and scoop me up? I might not look like a supermodel, but I bet I'd treat you a hell of a lot better than one would! I mean, I really am awesome. :laugh: I'm funny, smart, cute, nice, loyal, cute, funny, low maintenance, independent, and did I mention funny and cute? :laugh:

    Get with the program here, guys! Here I am, come and get me! :drinker:

    Miss Awesome

    oh honey, you sound just like me...I kept getting dumped because I was to independent, and I wasn`t needy enough. The thing is, look for a guy that`s already had the psycho girlfriend, and is now looking for someone a lot less dramatic lol...I found one, so I know they`re out you know the song "can't make a hoe a housewife" by snoop dog? that's my can be a hoe, just present yourself as a housewife lol Once guys realize that crazy, fun and beautiful isn't all it's cracked up to be, they'll be pounding your door down...or get proactive like I did and date off the internet lol good luck!

    Not for lack of trying...I've done just about everything, from going up to guys in public (though I admit I could do that a bit more), asking friends to fix me up, joined dating sites...

    And I am crazy (in a good way) fun and beautiful...yet I'm still single. Someday my prince will come...
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Dear Boss,

    I'm sick and tired of you telling clients or FRIENDS that YOU'LL to them this favor that you then pass on to me to accomplish so you can swoop in and be the hero. Especially when it involves locating a binder that was made before I worked here that you're not even sure we have a copy of, scanning the entire binder into a PDF and burning it to a CD you'll give to your friend. Quit writing checks you can't yourself cash!

  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member

    Not for lack of trying...I've done just about everything, from going up to guys in public (though I admit I could do that a bit more), asking friends to fix me up, joined dating sites...

    And I am crazy (in a good way) fun and beautiful...yet I'm still single. Someday my prince will come...

    Join a kickball league ( in your area. I met my husband there and I could probably rattle off a dozen other couples who have been married from meeting at kickball.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    dear city:
    please plow the streets. we live in the midwest and it does snow here, so if i could not have to blaze a trail to work everytime it snows i'd appreciate it. also, clear the sidewalks off so kids don't have to walk in the roads.
    one seriously upset driver

    dear husband:
    i asked you to do THREE things for me yesterday: help me make the bed, do the dishes, and get me some razor cartridges so i could shave my legs. you're batting 0/3. AFTER i let you use my car to go to the store so you wouldn't get cold digging yours out.
    no love,
    your cranky wife
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member

    Not for lack of trying...I've done just about everything, from going up to guys in public (though I admit I could do that a bit more), asking friends to fix me up, joined dating sites...

    And I am crazy (in a good way) fun and beautiful...yet I'm still single. Someday my prince will come...

    Join a kickball league ( in your area. I met my husband there and I could probably rattle off a dozen other couples who have been married from meeting at kickball.

    That sounds fun! Thanks!
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Dear Husband:
    Flirt back with me. I tell you you're hot ..every single day in many various ways, I know you are still attracted to me despite my flaws so quit yawning. I know you wake before the sun rises and our three year old daughter is an adorable soul drainer and our 10 year old son idolizes you and tries to pack in a glorious father and son moment fifteen times in one evening BUT PLEASE BEFORE I'M FIFTY FLIRT WITH ME AGAIN!

    Dear Neighbor:
    Your heart is in the right place but just b/c it's really cold (36 degrees) doesn't mean our sons can't ride their bicycles to school. Quit pansying up our kids and just put a damned hat and gloves on your son and let him grow some balls already ok? It isn't sleet, it isn't snow, it isn't even raining and honestly, a double layer will prevent all mental anguish of riding a bicycle for a few blocks.

    Dear In Laws:
    Get your head out of your *kitten* and say hello to your only three grandchildren that live fifteen minutes away from you. They have other grandparents that visit with them and do things with them: you two are looking like massive losers and they already realize it. The day will soon come when they don't even care anymore and you'll be permanently stuck in the 'family that sucks' category for our kids so WAKE up and smell the coffee.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Dear scooby (my dog)
    Its winter please stop shedding. Didnt you get the memo?
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member

    Not for lack of trying...I've done just about everything, from going up to guys in public (though I admit I could do that a bit more), asking friends to fix me up, joined dating sites...

    And I am crazy (in a good way) fun and beautiful...yet I'm still single. Someday my prince will come...

    Join a kickball league ( in your area. I met my husband there and I could probably rattle off a dozen other couples who have been married from meeting at kickball.

    Just an FYI- the website is, takes me to a news website. :laugh:
  • HealthyEscape
    Dear Boyfriend,
    You know I love you! With everything I've got! How about we stop going out to eat at Fast food places. You complain that you need to lose weight, but you aren't doing anything. Come with me to work out, or better yet, let's both get a card to the community center. You and I both know that if we start working out together you will lose a ton quicker than me. Other than that, I love you! Whether you are 300 or 200 lbs. :)

    Seriously, do we have the same boyfriend!?!!
  • HealthyEscape
    Dear host,

    Seriously, WAKE UP! You keep saying over and over that you want to drop 100+ lbs, but you don't follow through. WTH!?! It's not that hard, you know what you need to do so just DO IT ALREADY! Stop making excuses and just put the work in. The benefits FULLY outweight the excuses. Start making exercise and calorie counting a priority and the rest will just take care of itself. I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and want to feel better about myself. You can make this happen, I know you can.


    Your body
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member

    And I am crazy (in a good way) fun and beautiful...yet I'm still single. Someday my prince will come...

    when you least freakin' expect it, and you'll be totally unprepared...
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Dear Boyfriend,
    You know I love you! With everything I've got! How about we stop going out to eat at Fast food places. You complain that you need to lose weight, but you aren't doing anything. Come with me to work out, or better yet, let's both get a card to the community center. You and I both know that if we start working out together you will lose a ton quicker than me. Other than that, I love you! Whether you are 300 or 200 lbs. :)

    Seriously, do we have the same boyfriend!?!!

    I think we're all dating the same man! Creepy
  • novatri
    novatri Posts: 262 Member
    Dar Abs,
    I'm looking forward to us meeting this summer. We've been on again off again pen pals for as long as I can remember. But This will be our first meeting. Maybe when your here we can go chat up the ladies??

    Dear Ex,
    I wish you had the guts to break up with me before you become a s**t. Instead of destroying my self esteem for a year. But I'm feeling much better now, and karma's a *****.
  • BreeWilder
    BreeWilder Posts: 133 Member
    I. Love. This.

    Dear SIL,
    No it's not all about you. Yes he is your BROTHER but he is my HUSBAND. Stop freaking trying to control everything. You don't always have to have the last word and if you keep pushing me you are going to be sorry. I've bent over backwards to make sure things are "fair". It's not my fault your family sucks. Keep your drama out of my life.

    Your EX BFF SIL

    Dear Aunt,
    You are a troublemaker. Of the worst kind. Knock it off.

    Biting My Tongue

    Dear Cheeseburgers,
    I love you. I hate you. Get out of my head.

    The Healthy Me