KFC addiction beat me again this weekend, now the guilt is k



  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    Well, suck it up, pick yourself back up, and move forward. Stay strong.
  • thnksfrthmmrs
    thnksfrthmmrs Posts: 152 Member
    I had a KFC today and stayed in my calorie intake. Its not always a bad thing, once in a while is ok!
  • MTLumps
    MTLumps Posts: 82 Member
    Well, suck it up, pick yourself back up, and move forward. Stay strong.

    Yep - what she said. You can do this and guilt just makes it harder so DON'T do that to yourself.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    im that way with jack in the box lol
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    Was it just a spontaeous trip, or did you stop there on your way to or from something else? Some of the tips that help me keep the fast food demon down is to leave my wallet at home unless I have a specific purchase in mind. I keep my driver's license and a small emergency stash of cash in the glove box of my car just in case I need them. If I am going to make an allowance for fast food, I have a predetermined amount that I will allow myself to spend. This usually helps keep me within a 'reasonable' allotment of calories.
  • Ebth2306
    We all have really bad days/weekends. You can do it! Just remember focus on making the best choice you can today. You can't change yesterday.

    Cheer up, we have ALL been there for sure. I know you can make today a better day.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    You cannot change the past. Is feeling guilty going to burn calories????? The next thing you put in your mouth should be a choice that puts you back on track. Exercise to get rid of the crap in your body and just remember, you will make mistakes its how you recover from them that counts.
  • shastacrystal
    They have that one heathier meal and if you stick to a diet soda and green beans as one of your sides it should be easier to stay in your calorie goal! My best Bryan does it all the time. He loves KFC too! ha ha
  • 2hdesign
    2hdesign Posts: 153
    Accept it, forgive yourself, dust yourself and move forward with confidence.

    That and create a plan for how you will handle it next time.

    For example, we had fast food last night since a big monkey wrench was thrown into our plans. The choice was taco bell or mcdonalds. Knowing myself, I choose Taco Bell and ordered 3 crunchy beef tacos, water to drink. I like them and it fit into my calorie budget. In theory I might have liked more of something else, but in reality I was happy with what I ordered and while my sodium was high for the day, my overall calories were right on the money.
  • kpower1983
    kpower1983 Posts: 103 Member
    Thanks all, will def take on board those tips, am determied to have a good week! x
  • McDougal416
    McDougal416 Posts: 74 Member
    Its okay to have a cheat day or weekend. As long as you get back on the wagon the next day. The way I see it..if you dont' cheat..you'll fall off and not get back on...at least thats what has always happended to me. Which is why I don't "diet" I do a life style change. I eat the foods that I want...but in MODERATION! And everynow and then I do stuff myself...I feel guilty and sometimes go work out later..and sometimes I don't...just because I need a day to where I can do that. Don't let the guilt get you. Work KFC into your cal intake...get an idea of how much you want to eat there and see what the calories are and choose from there. But, if you love it, don't cut it from your "diet". The way I see it..when you diet you are making a lifestyle change. Do you want to cut out KFC for the rest of your life? And if the answer is no...then just go w/a game plan in mind on how many calories you want to consume and stick w/it.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    I am an ice cream-ohilic. I still have ice cream, but I've curbed my trips to the DQ by making it a reward, rather than punishing myself over it. I switched to clean eating over a year ago and built in to that plan one cheat meal - not a day - one cheat meal per week.

    Sometimes we indulge my daughter for that cheat meal and get a veggie pizza (she's a pizza-holic!), sometimes we indulge Mom for that cheat and get a Blizzard. One. Once per week and still within reasonable calorie limits.

    Something to look forward to rather than beating myself up for after - sounds a lot better that way, doesn't it?
  • purplefreak60
    purplefreak60 Posts: 47 Member
    Plan for it! On Dr Oz yesterday they said that when you have a eating set back...within 1 hour you should do squats. I think he said for a full minute...but I can't remember now. Then he said don't beat yourself up and move on!