
hello i am new to my fitness pal, i justed started using it this week becasue my best friend told me about it. she and i are both trying to lose weight. my goal is 30 punds or more for the year with mini goals. i would like to lose 10 lbs by feb 19th. i go to the gym and do cardio 3 times a week , plus twice a week i do bb ultimate boot camp and 3 times a wek i do jm shred. so mon - fir i work out weekends i am busy running around with my kids. i really want to get healthy and in shape for myself and my family. i am only 5 foot and weigh 184 lbs i woudl love to be around 130-140......i was writing in a journal but i think this is even better.....wish me luck!!!!


  • susanaz
    susanaz Posts: 24
    Hi and i would love to be your MFP friend, I am 5'2 and need to loose 50lbs!!! I try to go to my Bootcamp class at my Gym 3x's a week( M-W-F's) so I think we have alot in common and it would be good for us to help each other out by celebrating the highs and encouraging each other on the low days :)