Another Valentine's Day

liberty741 Posts: 122 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
What is on my mind is Valentine's Day. Sigh .... So I felt like I would write something about because perhaps someone out there is feeling the same way.

I am single again this year, but in a better place than I have been in a very long time. Life is good. But there is still something missing. I dream of finding love again and being in a healthy, happy relationship. And I really would like to have kids someday. Every night I pray that God will send some kind of miracle into my life so that one day I will have someone to love on stupid Valentine's Day and every other day of the year. :-)

But what I forget sometimes, is that I already have someone to love who needs attention on Valentine's Day and always: ME! I am important and deserving of love, regardless of whether I am overweight or I am alone on a holiday. I matter, and I can and SHOULD take care of myself by giving my body, mind and soul the attention that they deserve! That is why I joined MyFitness Pal. To put myself first and work on being healthier every single day so I can learn to be the best I can be and love that person. Then maybe one day, I will find those things I always dreamed about.

You can't expect anyone to love you if you don't love yourself. So, that is what I am going to do this year - I am going to love me for me. I have faith that once I learn to do that, the rest will all fall into place.



  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 581 Member
    Oh my goodness. That is so true with me also. I am married, but things are on a downhill spiral. But, I do need to love myself. I am doing this for myself. Your post was very well put. Thanks for the reminder. I know one day, you will meet that special person. You are deserving.
  • An ex-boyfriend and I started giving blood on Valentine's Day. We didn't like the traditional stuff, so it might as well be painful right?
    We have since broken up but I'd like to keep this tradition alive. Then Valentine's Day isn't about me bwing alone in the midst of happy couples. Instead, it is about me helping someone out. And it's silly but giving blood just seems appropriate for Valentine's.
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Wow, I saw your topic and thought to myself - oh yeah I guess that is coming up eh?

    I think I've only been dating someone 3 Valentine's Days. LOL!

    I never really put much thought into it otherwise, even when I was dating someone.
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    What is on my mind is Valentine's Day. Sigh .... So I felt like I would write something about because perhaps someone out there is feeling the same way.

    I am single again this year, but in a better place than I have been in a very long time. Life is good. But there is still something missing. I dream of finding love again and being in a healthy, happy relationship. And I really would like to have kids someday. Every night I pray that God will send some kind of miracle into my life so that one day I will have someone to love on stupid Valentine's Day and every other day of the year. :-)

    But what I forget sometimes, is that I already have someone to love who needs attention on Valentine's Day and always: ME! I am important and deserving of love, regardless of whether I am overweight or I am alone on a holiday. I matter, and I can and SHOULD take care of myself by giving my body, mind and soul the attention that they deserve! That is why I joined MyFitness Pal. To put myself first and work on being healthier every single day so I can learn to be the best I can be and love that person. Then maybe one day, I will find those things I always dreamed about.

    You can't expect anyone to love you if you don't love yourself. So, that is what I am going to do this year - I am going to love me for me. I have faith that once I learn to do that, the rest will all fall into place.


    Now listen here girlfriend- God will bring you someone when you are good and ready (after all it does have to be perfect- right?)...... You are an amazing person and you are 100% right- you absolutely do deserve to be loved!! I am so glad that you joined MFP so that we can do this together.
    You make me want to cry! You are number one right now and I am so happy that you are seeing this- your worth all of the attention!
    AND- Valentines Day isn't all that it is cracked up to be- take this from me! I am married for 5 years now and I would personally rather skip the day all together! All of that food and chocolate and trying to find the perfect gift and a tread mill in a quick hurry afterwards- BLAH. lol
  • Completely agree. This will be my third V-Day in a row alone. Watched Titanic one year 'coz I felt that low. Can't say it helped my mood. :S Here's to us this year, and the hope that next year we'll have found that special someone.
  • mandster
    mandster Posts: 95 Member
    Get yourself out on the town. Any men you see not with a girl is sure to b single :-)

    love the giving blood idea. I can't giv as I've had blood transfusions so they don't want mine (Uk rules becase they can't test for Cjd!) very annoying as I wud like to Giv back as I benefitted from some kind person giving theirs!
  • liberty741
    liberty741 Posts: 122 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the support! <3
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