I am so weak

gourleyr Posts: 16
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
So I have been hungry all day. This second week is definitely harder than the first. Throw in a headache, pms, having most of the house painted and the house in disarray. I am trying to stay on the wagon, but I really don't want to. All three of my workout spaces are unavailable and it is raining. Uuugghh! I just want to pack the family up and go to my Mom's for some comfort food.


  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    :( Hang in there! Do something else to comfort yourself other than food. Maybe a warm bubble bath with a good book or some relaxing music. Drink some hot herbal tea (chamomile with a little milk and sugar is a fave). Or, crank up some tunes and dance with the kiddos. If you're legitimately hungry (stomach growling, not just "wanting" food), eat a protein-packed tuna salad sandwich or a hard-boiled egg to help fill you up.
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    Aww...I am sorry to hear your having a bad day, unfortunately it happens. With all the stuff going on sounds like you can use some of moms comfort food and a nice brisk walk afterwards! Hope your stress levels go down soon!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Not to pry, but could I ask what kind of food you are eating? A lot of people pick stuff that's not filling and shortly into their diet are really hungry. I always recommend honey flavored Greek yogurt if you are super hungry. If you are hungry all day, you should look at beefing up your breakfast as well. And with the PMS I would suggest getting a glass or two of extra water on the day, as PMS is very dehydrating (and that can make you feel hungry.
  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    It's a test of life DON'T GIVE UP hang in there. Good luck
  • Thanks for the encouraging words ya'll. My foods are filling (oatmeal, almonds, etc) I think the stress is making me want food. Also, I know in the past, sometimes a little while into the diet I have an extremely hungry day. (Just one day, then it passes). I did just try to make space to get my workout in in the morning and now it is getting close to supper time. If I stay in calorie range today, I will be very proud of myself and call it a great success.
  • Maybe I am not so weak! I stayed within my calories yesterday and I am about to go to my brothers house to use his workout equipment since I can't get to mine today. Maybe not a big deal to others but it is for me. Yay me!(pat on the back):happy:
  • jhann16
    jhann16 Posts: 62
    You can do it! Can you do jumping jacks in a small space? Jog in place? I find that just doing a small bit of exercise renews my confidence that I CAN and WILL stay on track. Good Luck! Sending motivation vibes your way!!
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