100 lbs & over

Hi everyone. so i just seriously started yesterday. know ive tried to lose weight many times before but ive never tried to count calories. does anyone have any advice i can have for those days i know i will feel unmotivated. i really need to stick to this badly!


  • breezybre1223
    take it one day at a time, I have been doing this for 2 weeks and have lost 8lbs and that is with no working out..I am adding the workouts now..I focused on the food first.... Its not about starving yourself but being aware of what you put in your body and what the foods do once in yor body.
    If you take it one day at a time , preperation being the key...before you know it it will be weeks later and you will see a difference

    good luck
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    you need to set long term and short term goals. Not necessarily on the scale goals, but also personal goals, like you wanna be able to do this with your kids, etc. Good luck!
  • gracefullyjenn
    HI I have a little over 100 left to lose. Just remember this isnt a diet. This is a lifestyle change. It isnt going to happen overnight and you have much more success losing it slowly. Vary your diet, try new foods and try to do clean eating. Not all processed white flour white sugar crap.
    You can do it
  • classiclady59
    One thing that really helps is making sure you JOURNAL everything. That way if you have a bad week you can go back to a good week and see what you did differently. Journaling also makes you accountable for what you eat. Dont for get to drink lots of water too. :happy:
  • LoserCruiser
    Don't give up even when you have a bad day!!! Just put it in the past and move on and make tomorrow better!
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    I have over 100lbs to lose my self as well as my first time counting calories. Feel free to add me if you want to chat.
  • ronchap
    ronchap Posts: 60
    I'm going for about 114. Be honest with your log. If you have a bad day or two okay just get back on your program and work for your goals. Don't get discouraged this really works it's not a diet this is a life change.