New Here

Hi, I just joined this site this week, and I like it a lot better than some similar sites I've visited. I am a 47 year old wife, mother of two, working gal. Last year I lost almost 20 pounds early in the year only to let almost all of it creep back on over the summer and fall. I am back at it now and I am finding the tools on here very easy to use. I am also a Weight Watchers veteran so I also track points, whether I am doing it consciously or not. :) I am really trying to get back into some exercising, which for me is pretty much walking around the neighborhood. I have two routes, one is just over one mile and the other is just over two. My short term goal is to do one long and two short walks each week, and limit alcohol consumption to one or two times/week.

I hope to get to know some of you on line as we share our journey. This seems like a very supportive group! I'm glad to be here!


  • SamWTFx3
    We're glad to have you here! I know you'll do just as well as I am on this journey. :)
    I'd say we can be friends, but I see your Steelers pic ;)
    I'm a Cowboys fan (didn't do so hot this year, eh?) I was cheering for the Jets and the Bears this year. Didn't get my wish..
    Oh well, I'll lose the weight I want and be able to wear a girlie Cowboy's jersey next year!
  • pghfan
    pghfan Posts: 119
    Thanks, I think we can get past the football thing - I live in Kentucky so I'm used to cheering alone! :) Became a Pittsburgh fan in the late 80'-early 90's when I lived there. Hard NOT to become a fan when you live among them. Good luck on your journey and I hope that we can both be wearing those "girlie" jerseys cheering on the team of our choice next fall!