Need a little inspiration

Hey everyone! I just started here on MFP and I've been working, (off and on) for about a month now to try and drop 20-60 lbs of leftover baby weight. I've lost weight, but then added it right back on, plus a few. I'm getting really discouraged by this and am hoping to get a few replies back w/ maybe some advice or maybe just some pick-me-up to keep me going. I'm a mom of 3 (7, 2, and 18 mos.), and so I'm constantly on the go. Unfortunately, this kind of "Go" does not include anything that burns more than a few calories at a time. I've been trying to do work-outs on my Wii Fit Plus that I just got for Christmas, but it's doubly hard to do when the hubby is around. Anyway, I hope that I can meet a few more friends on here and get some really good advice for this "diet" thing.


  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    I hear ya! I have a four year old and a two year old. I never get to work out without them trying to join in and crawl all over me. Plus I work in a playroom at a gym, but I never get to work out because my kids hate being in there more than they have to for my job! Lol. Add me to your friends and we can help motivate each other!
  • hannahncakes
    Hi hun I feel your problems. I'm a busy mum too & find it difficult to fit in work-outs (even more so when I'm back at university) but remember that weight loss is 80% diet & 20% exercise so make sure you moniter everything you eat & stay within your calories.

    Will add you as a friend :)