Kids say the darndest things

So it's been an interesting year in my classroom so far this year and I mean calendar year not school year. Yes, I realize it is January. First, I had a girl tell me to wear make-up to school so she can see what I look like when I'm pretty. Then I had 2 boys, yes boys, decide they are going to nominate me for "What Not to Wear". (Is it wrong to encourage this? I do need a new wardrobe.) Then today one of my students told me I should go on the Biggest Loser. I guess I looked shocked that he would say that because he quickly recanted with, "I mean as one of the trainers."

Oh well, all you can really do at the end of the day is laugh and laugh we do in my classroom. I figure even if they don't learn anything, they'll learn to love to laugh.


  • Natolee72
    Natolee72 Posts: 122 Member
    LMAO!!!!!! Damn kids!!! lol gotta love'em :laugh: And hugs to you for being such a sport!! :flowerforyou:
  • mariasheehan
    oh wow, you really are a good sport, I'd probably be devastated because i'm too sensitive :=) welcome to MFP by the way
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    As a teacher myself, I would have a problem with my children being so rude to me. Yes, it's one thing to be honest, but it's another thing to learn empathy and compassion, not to mention have some couth when dealing with others.

    I would thank my children (5th graders) for pointing out my flaws, but then we'd have to have a talk about what is appropriate and inappropriate in dealing with people, especially adults.

    :-) We teachers take a lot of crap lol...and I'd love to be on the show "What Not to Wear". :-)
  • FluffyMamaNeeds2Lose
    LOL>... this made my night. I love kids they are so funny.
  • FaeFae
    FaeFae Posts: 243 Member
    how old are they? Children are so innocent! If they are young they really mean absolutely no harm to you. You just have to smile and take it with a grain of salt and know that they adore you no matter what. Now if they are older that is a different story. By a certain age they should realize what to say and what not to say. You have a great attitude about it! Dont let it get you down!
  • lizzy1106
    That's so funny! Last year one of my students kept insisting that I was going to have a baby soon....when I wasn't pregnant at all, of course...
  • CarolHudson11
    Bahahahahahaha! You just made my night! Poor little darlings....sometimes they are just too young to know what's right and wrong in speaking. They just say what they think. And (most of the time) I really admire them for that. What grade do you teach?

    I really hope they didn't hurt your feelings, though - I have a really thick skin when it comes to kids, so they usually don't hurt mine at all. Now, adults are another story altogether.
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    I'm a teacher too.
    With the salaries we get (which lets be honest they are a piss poor representation of the actual work/effort we put into doing our job on a daily basis) we should all get $5000 to spend on a new wardrobe. I'd even volunteer to be on the Biggest Looser, just to get the constant one-on-one training. I'm thinking most teachers would qualify to be on What Not to Wear. I don't have time to go shopping and my monthly deductions are more than my take home...seesh. I'm going to take it out in my workout tomorrow the crack of dawn...which is the only time I have to exercise...cause I'm either on mom or teacher duty...
  • Hillary30
    I teach fifth grade so they should know better, but the way they say things sometimes they still seem so innocent. I definitely agree that teacher's should get wardrobe bonuses. Teacher dress is always a hot topic around the school.

    Thanks, all of your comments made my night!
  • KeraBohaty
    Omg... Sounds like something my kids would say!! I had a simaliar thing happen today! My six year old daughter was watching me measure my tummy and saw the strech marks and goes "that is gross Mom"... Really! I didn't know wether to laugh or go cry in my room!
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Yea, 5th grade is too old to be like that. They need to learn that they can't say what they are thinking at every given moment.